Eligibilty To Be A Tarot Reader


gregory said:
Which begs most of the questions you raised in the first place..... :)

And you took the words right out of my mouth! :)


I'm really somewhat disturbed over this topic idea, to be perfectly honest. I don't think there's any sort of specific criteria that should be necessary to follow or be applied to be considered a tarot reader/allowed to be a tarot reader/taught the art of tarot. It's like saying only certain people can be allowed to learn about a certain religion, or only certain people should be taught how to draw/paint/play an instrument. The only thing that should be considered is whether or not they're genuinely interested in learning. And even then, even if it's a fleeting moment of curiosity, what difference does it make? There's going to be people who are going to manipulate it regardless of what criteria you present before hand that people must follow or traits they must hold. Why? Because we're human. And humans come flawed regardless of what you may hope to believe. I, for one, like a lot of other people have stated, have my vices. I don't believe in God, and have no intention of reconciling my relationship with he/she/it. I do my smoking, my drinking, my junk food consumption. I get lazy, moody, manipulative. But when it comes to Tarot, the only thing I'm concerned about is helping people. Helping people find the right solution to their problems and getting on a better path. Does this mean I should be disallowed the right to read?


obeygravity said:
But when it comes to Tarot, the only thing I'm concerned about is helping people. Helping people find the right solution to their problems and getting on a better path. Does this mean I should be disallowed the right to read?

I would like to think that most people would want only for this in a reader. I don't necessarily want someone who doesn't have a vice--after all, they are human. We all have our faults. I'm prone to overeating (explains the chubbiness!) and overindulging in caffeine (I need at least 16 oz. of coffee upon wakeup. Otherwise, I'm useless). I can be a real pistol when people treat me poorly and once they do, ten to one they're going to have to weave their way into my good graces again. I believe in "God" but it is rather my own definition of The Powers That Be (I take what I feel is right and presto chango! there's God).

NamasteIndia, have you found a reader (other than yourself) that matches your own qualifications? And why would you care if someone has a vice if they are truly a genuine person who is trying to do good? It sounds like, to me, that you are confusing con artists whose goal is to strip people of their cash with people who are simply doing the best that they can while enjoying life and what it has to offer (coffee, coffee, coffee in my case).

*stands up*My name is Calliope, I practice Tarot, and I am addicted to caffeine, food, and shopping. *sits down*


NamasteIndia said:

I always wonder what is the eligibility to be a tarot card reader.

I have come across many people who are unethical, egoistic, shrewd and they practice tarot.

There is a feeling that any person who guides others and is responsible for giving divine guidance should themself be a ethical and right person.

Some criteria which I feel are
1) Person should be spiritual not necessarily religious but firm believer in God, Universal consciousness

2) Should be kind, compassionate, good listener and knowledgeable.

3) He/she should not be greedy for the money part the desire to help, heal, guide should be the priority.

4) He/she should not having any vices or addiction.

Most of this should be commonsense......but there are certain qualities mentioned here that sound very judgemental......(not very spiritual...)

As individauls we each travel our own journey..........there is no criteria for being a Tarot Reader... Tarot Readers come from many different backgrounds, cultures, faiths, beliefs, societies etc..........

We are all human, we all have Shadow Selvers must be embraced and dealt with during our own journies..and being readers Tarot cards assist on our own personal journies which assist in helping the querant.......

Don't be judgmental on other Readers but act with discernment... worry about your own behaviour towards yoruself and others......



*applauds Calliope* Bravo

I now want to know if there's a tarot anonymous where we could actually do that. The idea tickles me far more than it should, I'm sure. :p


sorry I misunderstood your original post

I initially thought you originally listed the qualities a tarot reader should have to serve as a general law of what makes a person eligible (or ineligible) to be a tarot reader. I thought you trying to get a consensus that your listed criteria were qualities that a person absolutely must posses in order to be a tarot reader. Now I understand:you are simply stating what you personally feel are the qualities a reader should have. Two very different things. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion :) it's your money and your time. so if those qualities are what you look for when getting a reading from someone, then more power to you. :) . you should go to whoever makes you comfortable.I think it will be hard for you to find someone who fits all the qualities you mentioned, though.


I agree with others who have said that everyone has their own set of standards, and yours NamasteIndia, sound very idealistic. Great if you can adhere to the 'rules'.

But I would question the use of the word "Eligibilty" in relation to any sort of divining activity. The only 'monitoring' I can conceive of would be in the commercial arena - and even then, it would surely vary from place to place due to the divinatory practice being carried out. I.E: I think I would support the imposition of a 'rule' that prevented the killing of animals to 'read the entrails'. :)

Bee :)


There is no wrong or right in life, no black or white ...only shades of grey!

like every profession there are some who we percieve as better then others, but thats just our perception.

i dont think we have the right to judge who should be a reader or not, but we can judge who we would go to get a reading off, and who we would recomend to others


yes right we all are humans

sometimes even i skip meditation sheer laziness.

sometimes i do binge eating.

but i feel since im responsible for guiding so many people i should be a more better human.

besides tarot i read books by Robin Sharma, Lousie Lay, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Doreen Virtue...so i can get a good idea to how best to help people


Just because I am a rubbish human being }) does not render me incapable of helping other people. I give them my best. That is ALL any reader can do. And being a better person might well not render that help any more effective. It is how you relate to the other person that counts.

IMHO she adds darkly.... :)

PS I am not vegetarian :shhh: