SPREAD - Hammer kit for depression


Do you want to finish your depression? Please pick this hammer and finish it.


0 - My hand on the hammer ( Who i want to be again )
1 - Mental ( I'm acting like )
2 - Emotional ( I'm acting like )
3 - Result ( I'm this in this moment )
4 - Mental Solution ( I need to THINK like )
5 - Emotional Solution ( I need to FEEL like )
6 - Result ( I will be like this if i follow the solution )
7 - Talk crush ( I need to stop TALKING like )
8 - Listen crush ( I need to stop LISTEN conversations like )
9 - Friends crush ( I need to cut from my life PEOPLE like )

SPREAD: Espirito


This is great! I think it could work very well as a general self-improvement spread too. :)


Thanks : )


This looks ace! I am going to copy it down in my journal and give it a try. Thanks!


Great spread! Thanks for posting. :)


Thanks to all :)


Thank you, I will be trying this when I feel I've met a rut in my depression.


Thank you for this spread! the timing couldn't have been better. I have family member visiting next week who I fear is slipping into a depression and loves to have her cards read. I think this will be a huge help for her!


Great spread! Just did it this morning and it was exactly the kick in my pants that I needed. I'll definitely save this for another dark day. Now to go off and follow its advice ^ ^