NOVEMBER - What the hell??


Hey All,

For those of you who are aware of what's happening astrologically at the moment, could you please give me a quick update? Or refer me to a few good websites?

The last few week of october and ALL of November for me and a few others, has been INSANE! Heavy energies, crappy events... It actually feels like a Mercury retrograde x 1 billion LOL.



Hmmm...I think Uranus and Pluto are still squaring, we just entered into New Moon in Scorpio, and Venus just moved into Libra which is supposed to be good, but the way I think astrologically is it will present a lot of decision making and wishy-washiness in relationships / friendships. The scales and karma are trying to balance themselves out especially at this time.


it has been a heavy few months for me! but as always some signs have it worse at any time! Libra have had a difficult time but this week has great astrology for everyone and the New Moon yesterday is supposed to be great for everyone! This is the first New Moon in Scorpio without Saturn affecting it for about 2 years! Many sources I read online are saying this will bring wonderful healing and spirituality.

This time of the month is supposed to be a nice time but the Full Moon at the end of the month is going to be very heavy!


It has been a hard month for me as well. Especially the days around the New Moon in Scorpio. Plus, November is my least favorite month of the year. The weather is so depressing and it gets dark really early, gaahh...