Neoplatonic Icons or texts in relation to Tarot


Does anyone know where to start on Tarot icon's of the early 1400-1700's on Neoplatonist icons in tarot? This is going to be fascinating. If it can be proven that there ARE Neoplatonist influences in Tarot , its not too far a leap to postulate that the Major Arcana added to the Mamluk pack along with the Queens are in fact Neoplatonic. This makes me wonder and I was hoping that those with lots and lots, of historical support and sources could help on this project. I have been reading Etteilla threads for hours and am amazed.

here's Hoping



Well if I am understanding you correctly here is one Man's view....
The renaissance Neoplatonists included in their synthesis virtually all of the lines of thought and modes of interpretation which have ever been suggested for the Tarot. The only real exception seems to be Alchemy. Although Alchemy was known to be prevalent in Italy during the proceeding century, neither Ficino nor Pico seems to have turned their attention to this topic and it's obvious revelance to the rest of their system. But we will see in later study that even this strange science may have contributed to the mind set of the Tarot designers.
In many respects, our elaboration of the Italian Renaissance Neoplatonists forms a central pivot in our total presentation. If a renaissance origin of tarot is believable, it is because virtually every theme, implication and interpretation found in later interpreters, especially the Franch and English occultists, is found right here in the the works of these philosophers. They wove together into a synthetic World-view all the divergent lines of mystical and magical thought that are found in the Tarot. And they wove their picture well, showing that all the themes are consistent with a basic of thought prevalent in their day. Thus , our argument to the occultist reader that Tarot is a child of the Renaissance is essentially complete..........snip snip...
It is not reasonable to assume that all of the "occult nonsense" was superimposed on the tarot by later interpreters. All of this "nonsense" was considered high wisdom by the Italian Renaissance. They delighted in complex, multi- layered allegorical interpretations and used this approach in other examples of their poetry and art. If we are to understand the symbolism of the tarot, then we must accept that the Renaissance mindset was a complex syncretism of many lines of thought which would be considered occult today.....
Dr.RV O'Neill 'Tarot Symbolism'
If I have missed your meaning...then you will have to tell and give an example of a 'Neoplatonist Icon' or go read the History threads.


YEP! Thank you for that quote. I was certain that this was the key to tarot. its a neoplatonic picture document. Which at first sounds like a bunch of Ho hum, but we must remember that the polyglot groups of ancient egypt and the caravans of that time were highly syncretic. This is why im positive that " interwoven through and through " the Tarot contains deep gnosis. Neo Platonist thought is THE fountainhead of the mysteries, in my opinion. It even influenced Authors such as St Thomas Aquinas, and others too numerous to mention. Im so happy you helped with this.


There are other views! ... "not" "Not Only" and "accidental" and "astrological"..hermetic...Gnostic....Christian.......Pagan....and if you have a crash helmet on "Egyptian". (smile)
If you were to ask ten or twenty people you would get a different view.


The ultraconservative contingent which vehemently denies any Neoplatonic, Gnostic, or Qabalistic influence on the development of Tarot is still alive and well. Fortunately, posts such as this no longer provoke incendiary outbursts requiring police intervention. More tolerant minds have prevailed. I, for one, would welcome any evidence of a Neoplatonic connection, however tenuous.


This forum is a breeding ground for misunderstandings , that is why I am not too sure about these topics, although I found that I am posting in Historical section so DUH! I am more interested in practice and application of Tarot.. so I might be in the wrong section of the forum


This forum is a breeding ground for misunderstandings , that is why I am not too sure about these topics, although I found that I am posting in Historical section so DUH! I am more interested in practice and application of Tarot.. so I might be in the wrong section of the forum
I believe this forum may be a breeding ground for ill-considered statements condemning the positions of other members of this forum, including misuse/overuse and abuse of the catch-all euphemism "misunderstandings," implying that some people are just too stupid to understand plain English.

Since the cataclysm provoked by someone's hypothesis concerning Cathar influences in Tarot, I believe the guidelines have been revised. My understanding is that conjectures without "hard proof" are now allowed.