Short video on Lilly by Sue Ward


Sue Ward, one of the foremost Traditional Astrologers posted this short video on You Tube - It helps explain why I keep mentioning him :)

It's part of a series she's done, but I think one of only two she's made available to non-registered students. The other one is on her Facebook page, and if there are any Facebook members out there who want to see, I'll give you the link. It doesn't seem to work for non-Facebook members though.


An important statement

Minderwiz, first, thank you for posting this.

One point that Sue Ward made impressed me as being very important. Lilly has become an important milestone in astrological practice in terms of him being and providing a "summing up" of the state of the art at that period in history. Since his time we have seen an ever-accelerating development and presentation of ideas, experimental concepts and new methodologies that are bewildering to consider.

He provides a touchstone with what we now see, from this century, as a basic and firmly established astrological practice. Now, that isn't strictly true as there had been in the centuries just prior to his time, and following him, many translations of older/ancient writings that have introduced changes for some. But, taken as a whole, we can view him and his work as a basis for comparison to many modern practices.

Many of those modern practices have proven to be valuable--midpoints as developed by the Hamburg School in Germany (late 1800s and 1900s) are one exciting and important example.

Right now, I am using Charles Carter as my touchstone, reviewing his works and comparing them to Evangiline Adams, Sydney Omar, Noel Tyl, and some recent writers. It is interesting to see the progression of thought. Not that I am a scholar in these areas, but after close to four decades exploring modern techniques I believe it is useful to go back to one's roots for a review period. I had started with Alan Leo, Marc Edmond Jones, Rudhyar, Ruperti, Theosophy and Adams. Then I moved to Ebertin, Tyl, and the more recent authors and now the Internet with its many capable astrologers.

We live in a rich astrological world but it is necessary to not forget where we came from and how we got to "now." Again, thanks for sharing. Dave


If I remember correctly Sue stresses that her comments are her judgement or opinion, rather than fact, so it's perfectly possible to arrive at a different judgement on Lilly's importance. For me, it was nice to find a traditional astrologer, (or any astrologer) trying to make use of a multimedia presentation (no matter how simple) to get over a point.

There's also another one that she posted on her Facebook page as a simple explanation of the nature of Horary Astrology.!/video/video.php?v=107291742656219&ref=mf

It's a little too 'static' for me as an ex-teacher but it's a very clear and succinct explanation of the process in about 6 minutes. Now I'm not sure if you have to be a Facebook member to see it, but as she has mentioned the video on her website, I am sure it's been posted for public consumption.

If there are problems viewing it, let me know and I'll pass them on to Sue.

There's also a very good series of articles on Deb Houlding's site


Sue tells me that two videos are available on her website.

To get them click on 'Articles' in the black strip under the banner.

Then scroll down a little and the titles appear on the left hand side.

God, The Universe and Everything (33mb)
An Explanation of Horary How It Works (6mb)

Both videos are in compressed format, so you will need WinRar to decompress them. There's a copy and paste link to the file on CNET.

The former is a 45 minute lecture on the nature of Astrology and it's rationale. It will be of particular interest to those of you who are into Hermeticism and feel that Astrology should have a magical element

As an alternative, there's a PDF transcript of both videos.

There's also a lot of other material on that page

isthmus nekoi

These are great links, Minderwiz. You were my introduction to Lilly, thanks for sharing so many things you've learned about him here :)