Horary Readings - Next round


I'm restarting the Horary readings so I'm inviting questions. Priority will be given to those who were too late in the last round followed by requests from members who have not had a previous reading.

I'll be starting the readings in a couple of days but the thread is now open for questions, as it can take a day or two to get an answer ready.


I've already had one done last round and did read your priority clause so I'm just posting this if you have extra time during the week. :)

I'm wondering if nursing is a good career choice for me? (A path I'm just starting to work towards now)


8:47 pm


I'd like to know whether my plan to go back to studies at a University level will produce better and positive outcome for me financially and career-wise.

I have not enrolled yet in the university course (which is local) but plan to later this year. Currently I have a degree and feel a need to change career direction.

I hope you can shed a light on this for me. :)

Am i suppose to include my local time? well anyway it's 2:58 pm, Melbourne.



Thank you for restarting the thread and informing me.

My Question ' Does migrating abroad hold excellent prospect for me and my family consisting of my husband and son'

Time: 11.22am, Mumbai, India



This is interesting .. I would love a horary reading .. the question in my mind is in relation to a person in mind .. of romantic nature .. do you feel the potential for serious development between us? I'm not sure what details you need .. pls let me know if u need any details.

thank you


Hi Minderwiz,thanks for this offer .My question is :
Will I find the right guy to be in a long term romantic relationship in 2010 ?
Please let me know what other details you need from me . Thanks.

Time: 6.40pm , Mauritius


Hi Minderwiz!

I would like to know if I'll find and keep a good romantic relationship in 2010?

10:18 AM

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Good morning Minderwiz.

My question would be, why do I feel I should leave my husband?? and if I do, would it be better for me to move forward in life?? I've been kind of stuck since I married him, he has a very conformist mediocre kind of way of thinking.



Reading for NastameIndia

NamasteIndia said:
My Question ' Does migrating abroad hold excellent prospect for me and my family consisting of my husband and son'

I've attached the chart for this reading.

The first thing to do is consider whether the chart is radical and if there are any considerations before judgement. The chart is cast of the hour of Mars but the rising sign is Virgo, ruled by Mercury, which is not of the same triplicity or nature. The chart also has the Moon in the Via Combusta (15 Libra to 15 Scorpio) so there must be some doubt on any reading taken from it. However I will proceed to see what can be deduced.

I've thought about this question from a number of angles, I started off with the issue as, will you make a long journey, overseas - which makes the relevant other significtor, Mars ruler of the ninth, which is in your first house and therefore indicates that you have the power to do so if you so choose. There is no aspect between the Ascendant ruler, Mercury and the ninth ruler Mars, so it's quite possible that you will not exercise your power to move.

However what we are talking about here is something stronger than a simple overseas trip. We are talking about a permanent move. The real question is should I stay or should I go?

In such cases we compare the strength of the First House with the strength of the Seventh. The first House stands for the status quo - you stay. The seventh stands for change - you go.

Mercury as Lord 1 is peregrine and placed on the twelfth cusp. All that can be said for it is that it is direct and occidental. So overall it's in debility. The First House has Venus on the Ascendant but Venus is not particularly strong indeed she only has dignity by Face. The first also contains the two malefics Mars and Saturn. That does not suggest a particularly good case for staying.

The seventh cusp is in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter has a mutual reception with the Sun by exaltation and is in its own Terms. Its essential dignity is good. By placement Jupiter is just inside the eighth House being conjunct the cusp. Jupiter is also very near it's station retrograde and has zero movement and it has an opposition from Saturn - though not a partile one. There is no other planet in the seventh.

On balance the seventh is a little stronger - suggesting the move should be chosen if just you were involved.


Lilly says that Saturn in the first House indicates that 'the matter of the question, seldom or never, comes to good'

If we were considering the situation of your husband as opposed to the family group, then he is signified by Jupiter and as we've seen Jupiter is not in good condition. The move might not be good for him at all.

Your son is signified by the fifth House and it's ruler Saturn. Saturn is in the last degree of Virgo and 29th degree placements are not seen as good. Saturn does have some moderate dignity by terms. But Saturn is speeding up after being retrograde and will very soon move into it's exaltation of Libra. Your son might benefit from the move but the Saturn / Jupiter opposition might suggest problems ahead.

Lastly the Ascendant is conjunct the fixed star Zosma, often linked to victims - that might be an indicator of your own situation, though more as a reflection of what was, rather than what is.

The chart shows no clear cut gains from emigrating. On a Stay or Go approach you and your son might benefit from the move, him more than you. I'm not at all sure the same could be said for your husband and you also need to think of the family, not just the individuals who comprise it.

The chance to go is there but taking the position of Saturn in the Ascendant, the decision to go abroad might end up being one that you will regret.


hey thank you very much for the reading.
