New Stephanie Law Oracle


VERY nice!
I will join you in the waiting line :)


Cute! Makes me miss the Shadowscapes I let go of a bit..


Oooh, looking forward to this beauty!


I'm waiting impatiently for this one! I might even splurge on the high quality limited version mentioned in the about.


Awesome! :D Let's hope it's not printed on tiiiiny cards, eh? ;)


I LOVE my Shadowscapes deck and so pleased you made this thread so I now know about this oracle deck and can watch along as it's being finished. I may go for the special edition deck once the kickstarter project is up and running.

The cards are so beautiful, in particular The Trickster and Joy, the first has the feeling of being seduced into dancing with a seductive stranger not realising what their real plans for you are, and the second for the wild abandonment of the free dance.


Very pretty and dream like