Mercury Stationary going Rx isn't it?


oh, Mercury is going to be Rx Virgo. I just got an unexpected medical bill that I thought my insurance paid. :( I will have to take it up with the insurance company and the lab the billed me tomorrow. But, given that Mercury is slowing down, I'm not expecting (although I am still hoping for!) a quick resolution, at least their decision will be "revisited" which could be favorable for me. Mercury in Virgo is also opposing Mars in Pisces, so hold on, likely to feel like you're having on the defensive, and communication going awry. And with Mercury going stationary and then retrograde and Mars the closest its been to Earth at the end of this month, good to be prepared.


Mercury Going Retro

Mercury goes retrograde later this week, right?

I am a Virgo and lucky for me I keep reading all kinds of positive info on Virgos having a great year. Something to do with Jupiter, Venus, and one other planet. Sorry, I am not an astrological expert or anything.

Any other tips on what Virgos can expect for the next 12 months?




What I know is that Jupiter begins transit of Virgo at end of the month, which should bring sense of expansion and good fortune to Virgos and those with lots of Virgo in their chart (like me!).

Elle, what house in your sun in? that can also give an additional indication of how it will affect you. What areas of life, this transit will emphasize. If you don't know, post your birth date, time and place here and I can take a look.

isthmus nekoi

Elle, you are quite right! Merc retrograde I think is Aug 28. Merc is the 3rd planet in Virgo right now, w/Sun and Venus, w/Jupiter not too far behind. Venus and Jupiter are the 'benifics' so unless your Virgo planets are poorly placed, this generally signifies good luck.

Since you and oceanpoetry are Virgonean, may I suggest checking out our Virgo study group? ( I'd love to discuss this sign further w/the both of you.


good news

thanks, isthmus nekoi, I am feeling like I could really use some good luck my way right now :)


Mars has been retrograde for about a month now, mercury goes retro at its scheduled date of Aug 28 (I'm Glad that Venus is staying direct). Jupiter will enter Virgo very soon (damn thats a good thing) and soon these energies will coallese into something greater. It is Mercury's extended stay in virgo that will assist, it will probably be that many people, Geminis and Virgos especially will find new ways to communicate. Saturns extended Stay in Gemini in 2002-2003 was brutal but nessacary, once the restrictions on the chanign economy was released all the energies went fast foreward thanks to Jupiter turning direct in Leo. Now that the Jupiter and Saturn energies have stabilized, we can now turn to the Mercury retrograde to tie up loose ends, the downside: not all loosed ends are tidy, we may have to untangle some of them and if we don't, they may have to be cut off all together.

It when teh sun and mercury conjunt in virgo wil the true potential of the retrograde show through.


Virgo Birth

I heard Jupiter arrives in Virgo on Wednesday (Aug 27).

Thanks, Oceanpoetry - I was born September 21, 1965 at 8:15 AM in Queens, New York, USA. I did not come into this world naturally though, I was a C-section baby! (My birth was planned!)




I have your chart now, I show that you have Sun in Virgo 28º in th 11th house - it is the house of working with others, creative expression, humanitarian efforts.
Also residing in the 11th, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto. You have a stellum of planets in Virgo, especially with Mercury conj Sun, this is the way you express yourself (as Virgo). I would say you have a very high ideals.

As a note, I show Scorpio rising with Mars 21º, Venus 9º, and Neptune 18º in the 1st house. Neptune forms a loose conjunction with both Mars and Venus, Neptune in Scorpio often denotes natural psychic ability, you may find your intuition expressed within your environment and also with what is important to you, how you defend your boundaries.

Your Moon is in 9º Leo. Saturn Rx 13º Pisces (5th). Saturn 0º Cancer in the 9th.

Jupiting transiting your Sun, is going to bring lots of optimism and a positive outlook toward your world.

If you want to see your chart, you can put in your birth data at
Its a fun place to start! :)


Thank you, Oceanpoetry - for looking up all that info for me. I will follow your lead and enter the info at

I knew I was a real Virgo. My high ideals often butt up against other hard "surfaces", but I continue to aim high!

Thanks again!




Something else I noticed, Mercury rules Virgo (and Gemini) and the rutler of your sun sign is also in Virgo (mercury in Virgo) - so this emphasizes influence of Virgo.

Elle, you were born on the cusp of Virgo-Libra, I would also recommend reading up on Libra sun sign, because you also will probaby find some things you can relate too. Libras also have high ideals, valude beauty and harmony in their lives, and are fair-minded.