15 card spread (for Janessa)


3.......6.......9.......12.......{} [three cards upside-down kept in reserve]

The Horizontal rows: Top row: the present. Middle row: the way forward. Bottom row: outcomes.

The vertical columns: First column: Home and family. This is where I'd expect to see issues with accommodation, also with family members, children, siblings, parents. Not with your partner even if they live with you.

Second column: Money, work and business. This is where we'll see issues with the job or with workmates. This is where major financial stuff, good or bad, will come up. In a retired person of means, this column indicates where they put the drive that they used to put into work: hobbies, travel, vocation.

Third column: Romance, relationships; with someone who is terminally single, it can show occasionally where they invest their emotions (so, it can show family, pets, close friends).

Fourth column: health. Potential for accidents, illnesses, also their strengths, what they need to do to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Note: then reading these columns, if you need extra depth, or if the person wants more detail into those areas, pull more cards off the top of the deck, don't use the cards that have been kept aside.

After that spread has been interpreted, ask if there are any questions you have not looked at yet. There usually will be. Use the remaining three cards directed to that question. If there isn't a question, you can either use the cards to look at their spiritual direction, or if scads of information has come from the rest of the spread, thank them and end the reading without looking at them. You'll usually need to use them.


Thanks for posting this .. i am always interested in looking @ spreads that readers use alot & have success with.

much appreciated/jenessa


My pleasures. It's actually slightly stolen ... er ... twenty years ago a friend of mine was using this spread, plus a fifth row laid out for spiritual direction, plus a Celtic Cross (no question). He'd read the Celtic Cross pretty much as everyone does, then move onto the grid. It was very cumbersome and readings were overblown.

At first I trimmed the celtic cross to an even-armed "where are you now" cross


1 being the crux of the matter, 2 aspirations, 3 subconscious forces, 4 wjhat you;re moving away from, 5, what you're moving towards. And having read that as a mini where-am-I-now reading I'd go onto the big one. Trouble was,that was years ago, and I was already reading publicly, and the spread took more than half an hour but less than an hour usually, so it was awkward for billing - I dropped the cross and found I got good half-hour readings with enough detail for most people. It was really only recently, in the last couple of years, that I took the fifth column out and held three cards in reserve, That works better, I found.