New spread - The Stag


I'm starting to create a number of spreads based around animals, and their characteristics. This one's the first one, the Stag. The Stag is the Pathfinder, so this spread is about helping to find your way through a situation.

The idea is that if you drew an outline around the cards, it would form a stag's head.


The Head
1. The muzzle - the root of the issue.
2 and 3 - the eyes. What to watch out for (could be warnings of danger or other messages, signs etc)
4 and 5 - The ears. What to listen for (advice or warnings)
6 - the third eye. What is guiding you.

The Antlers
7 and 8 - Who or what is giving you strength
9 and 10 - Who or what is protecting you.


Can you clarify the "who or what is protecting you" part? I drew The Devil and 3 of Wand for that part and I'm stumped on how "The Devil" could be protecting me.


That would be outside influences and inner strengths/abilities etc. If the cards are negative, it suggests that that it is your mastery over that card that is protecting you. With the Devil there, and with the three of wands, it's suggesting to me that what's protecting you is your ability to overcome your primal desires (the devil) and your life in your own hands, setting an example (3 of wands).

Glass Owl

Wow, I really the idea of basing spread on animals. I can't wait to try out this one, especially since the positions of it are so inspirational and hopeful.

(On a side note, any chance of doing spreads based upon owls and bears?)


Glass Owl - are you a mind-reader by any chance? ;) Yes, the Owl is next on the list. I've got the Owl, Wolf, Raven, Bear and Lion planned. I need to think about card meanings and positions for them - I've only had the Lion's Paw come to me lately - I'm working on that one today.