Stories in minor arcana


I was thinking about my minor arcana in the deck I'm writing up, and one thing I have always wondered was about the swords - in the four of swords, it's about resting from woe, in the 9 of swords, it's waking from a nightmare (REALLY loosely), but what about in between?

My swords, as a result have a sort of dream sequence for the 5, 6, 7 and 8 of swords. I think it will really work, and I've a "story" for the Pentacles as well.

Which got me to thinking - what tarot decks around have got these stories for the Minor Arcana. I know that the Tarot of the Elves does, and it's quite effective, from what I've been told (I've just seen the pictures, I'm not sure about whether I like them or not though...)

Those of you who have tarot decks with themes/stories through the minor arcana, how did you find that the cards worked for you? Did they help you to understand the suits better, or were they just distracting?


I think this is a valid question. There are stories in a deck I am collaborating on, but as I understand, there are not that many decks doing this.

Those who have worked with the Tarot of Elves or similar story-led decks may be able to help you on that.

At the end of the day though, if it is an area you feel you are drawn to, I would suggest go by your instincts. There are so many decks on the market now, many of which follow the safe concept of RWS. I own a fair few of these, and there are some excellent ones. However, if you feel you wish to perhaps break away from that and try something different good luck to you!

You will find it will be a case of "not being able to please all, but being able to please some". This will be the case with whatever deck or style you choose though, so it is to be expected you may find some are for the idea and some are against.



It's definately something I'm drawn towards, I started thinking about the sword suit, about 8pm, and by the time I'd gone to bed, the suit was done (not including the court cards - which I'm leaving til last). It was amazing how the story just flooded to me, I was actually quite relieved, as the sword suit isn't the suit that I'm most confident with. :D


well, I really do wish you all the best, and understand a little of what you have just said in your last post :)

I too had a suit which did not resonate. That suit has now sung out to me and is up there alongside the swords as my favourite.



I'm not always brilliant at explaining things, I have learning difficulties so putting my thoughts into words is nigh on impossible for me. I'm also wearing out my delete key. ;)

I've got an idea for the pentacles too, but they're going to take longer I think. :)