Tarot and...?


I'm interested in mysteries. Whatever can offer me a mystery, has got me. This includes all kinds of things - from my Orthodox Christianity through all kinds of cards and herbs, and natural powers, to the Wicca Almanach I just bought today. I'm a good pig and eat everything. :laugh:


Thanks for sharing, Ronia

I hope you post on the various things of interest to you in the various threads. Sounds like you're into some intriguing things.



I started with Gong He Fot Choy (uses playing cards), then Tarot, Numerology, Medicine Cards & Power Oracle, Astrology... gradually using more Oracle Cards - most recently Sacred Geometry & the Gaia Oracle. Crystals have been an on-off aspect - most recently 'on' since discovering crystal Astrology. I use Astrology for friends or to look into natal & transit charts if that's helpful for readings but I don't put my shingle out for it because I haven't studied it formally. Looking forward to using the Sabian Symbols Oracle. I also occasionally do intuitive massage. I was very interested in Witchcraft and Women's Spirituality for several years and though I don't practice these on a daily basis, they form the foundation of my spirituality now. Tarot is the backbone of my work - supported by a range of tools, depending on the client and the question. Thanks for yours :)


Sooo interesting, Hazlit!

Thank you for sharing that. I can understand combining different things, I'm not a one size fits all, off the rack kind of person when it comes to philosophy, spirituality or whatever term one wants to use. I don't do any type of real work with crystals, but love them, especially quartz crystal and quartz crystal clusters. I find them comforting, energizing, focusing and I know whatever we do or feel comes from within us, but think, no know, that some things help us feel more attuned. Those things may differ for some of us, but according to these posts, we all have something or things, that we use as tools that help us in our journeys. Again, thank you for sharing yours.



I started by discovering Arthurian stories in and among the fairy tales of my childhood, and then discovered astronomy and Greek mythology in sixth grade (they go together; they have to). By high school there was an interest in anything paranormal, especially ESP and the like, and ghosts and so on. Astrology came in big, especially by college ("This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius"), and it has been my first love among divinatory systems all along. I was raised Catholic, by a mother whose own mother had been a playing-card reader, so she was open to possibilities and we used to have some interesting discussions. (My father wasn't interested at all.)

In adulthood I made some friends who introduced me to the Neo-Pagan community, and I learned runes, and really got into Tarot, learned about Kabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradtion as expounded by British authors (including the esoteric aspects of Arthuriana), and found some non-standard Christians (those who have a broader outlook on religion), and learned a great deal about modern Paganism. I drifted away from the Catholic Church (though I got married there), mainly because of policies, but my heart is still pretty much there, combined with the parts of Paganism I embraced. And I picked up quite a bit of Jungian theory about archetypes and the psychological typing systems. And I learned other European mythologies too, and bits of other myths of the world. Being a lifelong lover of fantasy hasn't hurt either.

So, divinatorily speaking, my heart is in Astrology and Tarot, with a hefty side of Runes, and occasional tastes of palmistry and pendulum dowsing. Spiritually, I'm a Christo-Pagan: Catholic/Episcopalian forms with core Christian ideas, combined with attention to the Wheel of the Year, deity combining both genders, tutelary spirits (here Catholicism and Paganism are nearly functionally identical), and kitchen magic and healing magic. I love symbolism. And I love celebration.


Thank you, Morwenna!

Seems many of us mix and match to suit what we want and need! Really interesting to see how you've combined what works for you.