What is a "Grand Trine"?


isthmus nekoi said:
Helvetica - the quotes are from COSI. Here's a link to the book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=086690087X/ref=nosim/aeclectic/
Yes, thanks - I had understood COSI to be the source. I was simply re-using the term "cook book" that Dadsnook used for the definitions. I just don't think they apply to my inner character - though they might apply to situations I've worked in. So I still have to find out what that grand trine means for me.



It is quite simple to modify the event-oriented and dramatic statements of Ebertin (based on experiences with a war-torn Europe and shattered culture) by broadening and softening the meanings given.

For example, identify the keywords of each planet as used and then broaden them and soften them.
JUPITER: instead of weight gain, fats and liver problems use more appropriate terms that fit our time and culture (assuming you have no personal wars or abusive relationships going on) and use words such as optimism, hopes, looking for a bigger picture, gains in social involvement.
SATURN: instead of suffering, self-limitation, depression use terms such as quietude, conservatism, hesitancy, strategic, caution.
NEPTUNE: instead of renunciation, sacrifice, delusion, chronic weakness use words/terms such as inspiration, confusion, illumination, dreams, idealism.

Then put it all together again by blending each pair first and then modifiying by the planet at the mid-point. For example:
Hopes and social plans (Jupiter) can be made difficult by the need to plan and exercise caution (Saturn) due to confusing or poorly understood (Neptune) factors.

Or, if you were planning to launch a home business you might see this mid-point as meaning: Expanding product lines and enhancing your market image (Jupiter) will require strategizing and careful application of resources (Saturn) as well as having a means of projecting this image to the public in an attractive manner (Neptune).

This is an ideal exercise for anyone to engage in. Without developing an ease for synthesizing symbols and expressing them in real-world terms, it is difficult to progress quickly in astrology. And nobody wants to be stuck in "natal chart land" forever -- there is so much fun and discovery ahead of us. Dave.


simple for you... ;)

Thanks Dave! You've given me something to chew. Synthesising symbolism is something I'm not too bad at :) I'll give it a go in life situations.


hwo can you tell if you have one?


A grand trine consists of three major planets and/or the sun or moon at the samd degree in three signs with the same element.

Sun @ 15 Libra
Moon @ 15 Gemini
Mars @15 Aquarius

This example set indicates that indivudal is orented towards balance and art, has a quick wit a flighty attitude, and is very direct and aggressive in their aquisitions. An orb of 1 to 3 degrees could be acceptable but teh more exact the more focused the astrological 'energy' is (no 'leaks')