Pigeon Tarot


So I'm thinking about reworking the Fool card. since it is the first card of the deck it will set the mood for the rest, and I want to get the feel right. I'm also thinking of changing the title to "the artist", some one who's all about the journey and discovery but not neccessarily left brained enough to comprehend the consequences. Please hit me with some changes you think would make this work better.

PS. still can't get the other images up, but still trying.


I love the idea for this deck! When I first read the title, I thought, "Pigeon Tarot???" I used to live in DC and absolutely hated the swarms of pigeons that would attack people at lunch time.

But your deck (the one card I've been able to see, anyway) is gorgeous! I now am in love with this concept! I hope you keep posting cards, as this truly is a wonderful idea for a deck.

Also, I like the idea of the Fool being the Artist, especially as you are making this deck for you friend, who is an artist. It's a wonderful idea for a gift.


Thanks so much!

I'm waffling at the moment wither or not to do this as an oracle instead of following the tarot as I first intended... waffle, waffle... stawberries please.


A few suggestions

1. You can use an old-fashioned way of using the Fool as the last card, after the World. It doesn't have to be the first card. It can be the 'return' of the journey to an innocent phase, the young girl looking at the pigeons and perhaps someone seeing her will be reminded of their own innocent days...and thus remember the journey.

2. The Magician card can be the 'Artist' and be the first in the sequence.

3. In the autumn or during days where stormclouds and wind will diffuse the amount of sunlight, even the pigeons at stoplights will sometimes launch into a migratory 'v' wheeling pattern of flight--I don't know if you have seen this, but once one pigeon goes into flight, a series will follow it. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am certain this is the pigeons, not the mourning doves or sparrows or ravens that I normally see.

It could be our pigeons in the California area of the U.S. are not so well-fed, and some tend to keep some of their wilder aspects?

Original post:
So I'm thinking about reworking the Fool card. since it is the first card of the deck it will set the mood for the rest, and I want to get the feel right. I'm also thinking of changing the title to "the artist", some one who's all about the journey and discovery but not neccessarily left brained enough to comprehend the consequences. Please hit me with some changes you think would make this work better.


I haven't seen pigeons fly in any sort of pattern before.
I rarelly see them fly more than two feet out of the way of a car.
However I've recently been looking around for odd pigeon behavior
as a way to feed the imagination flow for this deck.

I was thinking of doing a card about the one pigeon in a group of those tiny birds kind of a Gulliver's Travels surrounded by small obsticales kind of meaning...

I've just aquired materials to begin this deck from a manual approach as opposed to the computer manipulation, and I'm getting ready to throw a spread to see where my block up is coming from.


I love the idea of the Magitian as the artist, creating things out of thin air to inspire knowledge and imagination... hmmm... yes, must use that....

Thankyou, my beautiful muses on AT!


I do not like the idea of racing pigeons, but here's a few scans of flight


The homing pigeon, the erstwhile passengar pigeon and it seems that doves such as mourning doves are a part of the family...so good wishes and inspiration...best regards



For homing pigeons...

There is a bar in the District where an old man used to live on the top floor, and he trained homing pigeons. There is a whole community of the birds who refuse to call anywhere else home even though he passed on years ago...

I thought he might make a good Hermit or Heirophant...

Thankyou so much for the link I love the hand cradleing the pigeon.


and now for something compleatly diff...

So the cards have spoken they are an oracle loosely based on tarot.
They also insist on being hand drawn, I'm a little out of practice so they are rough, but so is my girl whom they are for.

I just threw up the pens and started as a spead suggested and there are 10+ in the past two days and more begging to come out.

Here is the first, my next post will have more.
