The Ocean Oracle: Journey to the Shore and Beyond...


shell oracle said:
Hi Kahlie, I noticed you are from Holland. I don’t know if this is helpful, but there is a Dutch version of Ocean Oracle called Schelpenorakel Wat schelpen onthullen over je ware aard. As for a place to view the cards, please let me copy something from the first thread when someone else asked this. It may be that we all need to consider the Angel Wing and Bittersweet clam at this time.

I am sorry, but other than these two cards on my website, I don't know where else there are card samples for you to view."

Dear Shelley,

Thank you, this is all I needed. Actually, I think I would prefer the English version since I can read and write it quite well, and I don't like translated works that much. I am planning on actually buying 2 sets, because I wish to gift one to a friend of mine who can't read English.

They are quite beautiful pictures of the actual shells. Wonderful.



elf said:
Well folks, I had a major car accident today.
I was taking my little one to school, then I was going to Shelley's house to show her my brand new shell collection and have her sign my book and boom!!!!! KabOOOOMMM! I crashed into the car in front of me.

Suddenly all traffic stopped and well, I kept going.

My Jeep Grand Cherokee deployed her airbags and both me and my little girl are ok, although my neck hurts and so does my back.

But I"ve been crying all day over the Jeep. Nicest car we've ever owned. Closest to new car I've ever had. And I know we are ok, but, we had a lot of money into that Jeep.

And my 9 hole abalone was the shell that took it the worst.
Shattered it.
It was the pride and joy of my collection. My cowrie made it, as did some of my other shells, including my older daughter's telescope shell, but others just shattered.

So, was this some kind of message?
I had heard that when you have accidents like this the Universe is really working you, that you are raising your vibration and getting a big message. What is the shell associated with accidents? More like the barnacle covered mine that explodes when you least expect it.

Anyway, I'm here, I'm alive, and I have no vehicle.
I'm thinking this may be more shell shock... ;)

Wow Elf... I know you're not going to believe this, but Shelley can vouch for me (if she hasn't already told you this...)

I got into a bad accident on my way back home from Shelley's house... :O

We (my mom and I) got caught in a snowstorm that wasn't supposed to be as bad as it was and we had just passed from a really badly maintained part of the interstate into a part we felt was OK. We could see pavement and everything... But as we started going up a gentle incline, my truck took a *hard* left, like I was making a left turn... We skated down the interstate sideways before going off the interstate into the median and landing, rear first, between 2 decent sized trees.

We were **extremely** lucky... The only damage we had was to the front passenger door, we lost the side-view mirror, and had two flat tires (both on the right side). Other than my wrist which was very sore, nobody was hurt and only by divine grace did my truck (a 1998 GMC Jimmy SUV) keep from flipping over. And, quite literally, less than a minute after our accident the police were there and less than 5 minutes after the accident we were being towed out. The truck was taken to the gas station for somebody to come change the tires, but in the end, nobody could, so the police drove us home. In the end, the total damage on the car was less than $500 and what should have been a serious accident was only a minor mess. Even my husband, who went to the accident scene a few days later, was shocked that nobody got hurt.

And, you guessed it, I had my Abalone in the truck with me... Though it didn't get shattered. Not a ding to it. And, I also had most of my gemstone collection with me as my mother had given it back to me after borrowing it for a hands-on-nature program she did.

Is that not the most bizzare thing?

shell oracle

I have spoken to both Acadia and Elf about this, but I am so glad that they have shared these experiences on this thread. I might as well add that I was also in a car accident last year. Believe it or not, I was on my way to visit someone who wanted to show me his Abalones, and I brought my collection to show him. My husband was driving, and the rain was so heavy that our brakes did not hold. In the split second that I knew the crash was inevitable, I was thinking "This will be interesting." I had my backpack with my Ablaone collection in my lap. When I tried to get out of the car, the door would not open. The EMTs pried it open, and I proceeded to get out. I was a bit sore, but surprised to find that when I stood up I could not get my breath. In the ambulance, my heart was beating rapidly. They were concerned, but I could not breathe enough to tell them that it was because I had no idea how my Abalones were. As soon as my stretcher was wheeled out, my husband bent down to tell me that he had my Abalones. That news allowed me to relax, and my heart beat normalized. Our car suffered a lot of damage, but my husband was fine, and I was released a few hours later with sore ribs, but no broken bones.

Does anyone think this is odd...all 3 of us had car accidents when we had Abalones with us? I would welcome your thoughts, impressions, insights, on this because I don't believe in coincidence. Were they creating the accident to teach us something, or were they protecting us from harm in the accident?


Maybe not that they created the accident but, that it is a sign to add that to you intuitive predictions about them.
If the Abalone card comes up be careful of accidents especially with your car.
But what I am hearing really from all three of you is that these shells were precious to you so also to be careful of something you hold dear.

shell oracle

Thanks lark. One other thought just occurred to me.
shell oracle said:
67. Red Abalone
Meaning: "Needing to heal emotionally to avoid physical problems."
To me, Ablaones are about emotional healing. People often use these shells as smudging tools cleansing the energy, but many are not aware that the mollusk who creates the shell contains a natural antibiotic used to fight penicillin resistant strains of strep, staph and typhus. So, the shell works on emotional healing, and the animal brings the healing into the physical. The combination speaks about the need to heal emotionally, or if you push the emotions down and deny them, they don't disappear. To get your attention, they may work their way into a physical situation.

Maybe all of us were denying something at an emotional level, and the car accident was a way to get our attention. Amazingly, we were not harmed physically, but the potential for physical harm was certainly there. The Universe was really trying to get our attention that something was disturbing us emotionally! It is almost as if the Abalones were giving it one last try to get our attention before it led to damaging ourselves at the physical level. Some say that our bodies are our vehicles, so maybe our cars were one step removed from harming our physical vehicles. Does that make sense?

With that in mind, I wondered what I was going through during the time of my accident. I was shocked at what I discovered. Immediately after the accident, I had a very unexpected emotional blow. I never saw it coming, but maybe subconsiously I did and remained in denial. When it happened, it turned my world upside down and pulled the rug right out from under me spiritually. I can honestly say that this spiritual collision was far more painful than the damage from the crash. I never connected the timing of the Abalone accident with this event until now. It was right in front of me all along, and I never noticed until today.

Elf, I know you mentioned some deep emotional awareness surfaced after your accident. Acadia, did you have any revelations along these lines?


Dear Shell Lovers,
Shelley is going to be running a shell Seekers group for the people interested in learning more about the Shells and how to use the Oracle.

I'm setting up the thread and throwing out the first exercise, which has been OK'd by Shelley and then she'll be taking it from there.

These will be reading exercises, as part of the study group however I think it should go in the Oracle readings area.

So, look for the thread Shell Seekers and let's get started with the Deck!!!


I did actually... Last year, I was making a lot of Rosaries and Prayer Beads and Divination Beads and Tarot Beads with gemstones and crystals, but I had let that slide a lot, I hadn't made one for non-family members since last June, and I hadn't made one for even family since September. But I started making them again after the accident, and I have been told I'm more inspired than ever. I feel a difference in what I make, and I feel more in tune with myself, and my spirituality. I also was inspired to get a table at a metaphysical fair to show and sell my stuff... Yikes!

After my accident, I also felt a lot more grace and composure in my English class with regards to my faith... Something that was a big battleground for me as I'm Wiccan and all of my classmates are conservative Christians, and we constantly discuss our faith, and I'm subject to some uncomfortable attention. That class, even though I love it, is just *exhausting* for me.

If somebody were to ask me what I think this means, I think that the meaning is something deeper than simply a dramatic means to draw our attention to something... To put it into words, I'd say it means "dramatic event as a reminder of Divine protection leading to spiritual awakenings and life changes." I'd say it's the shell equal to "The Death" card... "Distruction followed by transformation, change may be in the form of consciousness." Like a door is being SLAMMED closed, only to open our eyes to an open door we never saw. Something bigger than just being grateful for life and what we have or a new path presenting itself, it's like the path that was always there that we never saw that now we can see because we've "advanced" to it.

The reason I think this, so again, this may only apply to me... Is that the Abalone in my accident has been with me my whole life (literally), and it's a 3 hole Abalone, with the 4th hole "in development", meaning it's not fully formed yet. Using Shelley's theory that the holes correspond to the Chakras, this shell (if you count from the bottom up) corresponds to the Solar plexus, and was developing into the Heart Chakra. Even if you count from the top down, this is a shell that's still developing into a Heart Chakra. So, for me, this accident was sort of like my Abalone... Where I made the leap from 3 to 4. It was the event that trancended me from a point where I functioned on a purely mental, what I see is what I go for, dreams are too risky, practical side (a 3 hole Abalone) into a more emotion and intuition based realization where things I put on the back burner out of fear, worry, etc were brought forward.

So anyway, that's my two cents.