

Thank you for all of your help! Decan I have that exact same deck.....Padma thank you for the website... Yes it will help! Wolfyjames thank you for the links... I have had this deck for a couple of months just playing with it.. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with it.. You all have breathed new life into my deck... Thank you very much


No problem! I bought my deck straight from Medlindaf on that website, she is very nice to deal with :)

I just bought this deck too.. I could NOT resist... I'm sure y'all know how that is...


:laugh: yup - we all know! ;) Enjoy the deck - it is quite well done :)

Aunty Anthea

No problem! I bought my deck straight from Medlindaf on that website, she is very nice to deal with :)

Thank you Padma I will be buying the deck this week :)

I have paid several visits to the website

However there is no universal method, the cards have their own spirit which should guide you in harmony to your own method

and feel that the cards will encourage me to use my intuition much more than some of the more conventional decks :)

The link below is to the English site and does have all the details, including card meanings, in English :D

Aster Breo

Do we know anything about the origin/history of this deck?

I haven't had time to do much research, but one website I glanced at said the Belline Oracle is related to Lenormand cards. And that Mdme Lenormand drew the symbols for it -- which seems...... suspect to me.


Here is what Medlindaf, creator of Tarot d'Eltynne, says about the origin of the deck:

"A bit of history
The author of the original game, Edmond, was in fact named Charles Ernest Billaudot. He was born in 1829 in Poilly sur Serein in France. An enthusiast of astrology, chiromancy, fortune-telling, esotericism, he was a professor in Paris of Celestial mathematics. He died in 1881 at the age of 51.
The original game he designed in 1845 was miraculously saved from destruction by the Oracle Belline who after having discovered and studied it decided to edit the game under his name in 1961. Its’ renown has ever since grown and enthusiasts are numerous.
The Oracle Belline is marketed in France and many books are available on the method of interpretation and analysis."

- Medlindaf


I just read that the symbols in the Belline Oracle (according to Belline, drawn by Edmond the mage) came both (it is a kind of blend) from the Tarot of Marseille and the first Etteilla deck.

It is said that Edmond the mage was a famous fortune-teller in his time, having predicted the success of Alexandre Dumas and the exil of Victor Hugo.