What do hate about being your star sign


I'm Libra and I hate tryng to please others at my own detriment My weakness it is but it jars with my ability to fight and challenge


I'm an Aquarius and there is nothing I dislike about it.


I'm Libra and I hate tryng to please others at my own detriment My weakness it is but it jars with my ability to fight and challenge

I definitely can relate Emma being a Libra myself. But I'm learning to say no. I'd have to say I hate that I'm very indecisive. Its really irritating I will contemplate on something all year if you let me ugh...

Oh by the way happy early birthday lol


What about the positives?

I think it's so easy to draw on the negatives of anything. I get that you're probably having a vent, and that's totally fine. We all need to vent.

BUT I do think Liberian's have some awesome personality traits too!

Just sprinkling some positivity around :p



I'm with you starburst as far as accentuating positivity and even to the point where I've tried to eliminate the word 'hate' from my language. For me, the value in identifying faults is in then being in a position to decide courses of action to rectify them. One of the oldest axioms in astrology is, "The stars incline but do not compel", the implication being that the will of an individual is capable of overcoming the influence of star signs.

That said, as a Virgo, I try to be conscious of not taking things too literally or obsessing over details.

The star sign is only part of the story anyway. A lot of the time I relate more to my Pisces Moon and Cancer/Gemini cusp ascendant not to mention my Libran Mercury and Neptune.
Libran positives include the ability for charm, mediation and diplomacy but they need to be wary of making offence and apologising later and jumping on the other side of an opinion.


Libra and Aquarius aren’t good Signs for the Sun (my Sun is as well in Aquarius).
In Libra the Sun is said in its fall, and in Aquarius in its detriment: therefore in these two Signs the Sun is in bad zodiacal shape. But according to traditional astrology it isn’t necessarily connected to one’s personality, it depends on one’s whole natal chart.
For example, if the Sun is the ruler of the 10th House or in the 10th, it will symbolize particularly one’s career and a good name. If the Sun is in Libra or Aquarius Sign, therefore in bad zodiacal shape these things (one's career, honors) could be a bit difficult for the native (there are other factors to take into account, naturally).

In a more simple way, I think the Moon sign has a more important effect on one's personality, because the Moon is the natural significator of emotions.

Concerning my Sun Sign I don’t exactly hate it, but because it is in bad zodiacal state, unfortunately, it creates problems in my life, and I don’t like this of course. My Jupiter isn’t too bad, I hope that it helps a little bit.


I am an Aries with Leo rising so double fire. As I am older now I have it under control but a short fuse did some harm in my younger years.


I am Taurus and I really do need security and stability in my life! Yes there is positives of that but compared to most of the star signs, I really need that sense of it! Almost in a negative way because it traps you.

I have been learning about my birth chart as a beginner to astrology and of course there is so much more to us than the sign the sun was in when we were born! I have Neptune in my first house and learnt this only recently and so I am very earthy in my need for security but also very watery! It makes me naturally attracted to divination and occultism but also Neptunus people never feel that they fit into societies. They are also prone to depression, addictions, escapism, it's a little Knight of Cupsy. I seem to have fortunately escaped the addictive part but my moods are highly influenced by my emotions. But all of us have positive and negative parts of our birth chart! Life is about learning to deal with them both :) All star signs have a positive and negative, just like we all do as people!


I am a Gemini with Libra/Scorpio rising, and moon in Aries. Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Leo.

And I feel like a telephone booth with 10 people crammed in it! :laugh:

It can be hard to find agreement with myself, as my Gemini sun wants to argue and debate every side of every thing to the last split hair.

On the plus side, my sun sign allows me to be very capable in many ways, as do all the different influences in my chart.


I have sun and mercury in Gemini and half the time i dont feel like a Gemini. I feel my cancer moon dominates my personality and tones down my airy side quite a bit. But thats because my moon resides in my 3rd house. A house traditionally ruled by Gemini, and instead of externalizing my thoughts, everything get internalized instead.... Its kinda interesting because im described more as quiet and shy, not the blabber mouth social butterfly type. Altho sometimes i do get bursts of mercurial energy and the need to be a social butterfly does takes over randomly lol.