What do hate about being your star sign


Scorpio here...I am too reserved and suspicious...its hard to make friends with my personality. (I have Scorpio rising too...yikes!).


Leo- I dislike that I have a tendency to sulk and need privacy and time to lick my wounds, thereby isolating myself.....lots of wound licking, lots of isolation. And the set back- layed back - non competitive side of my zodiac is often mistaken for laziness.


I'm a Taurus and perfectly happy with my star sign. I surround myself with beauty and yes, I crave security, but my Sagittarius ascendant makes me more flexible and the Venus in Gemini provided me with an interesting youth ;-)

When I was younger, I'd have loved to be a Libra but that's long ago. When I look at that beautiful bull in the skies with its red eye and the lovely Pleiades on his back... I'm happy to look at him as "mine". Possessive we are, yes :)


Ha ha great question :D Im a Virgo and woah am i a Virgo and a half....i'm a total perfectionist...i have lists galore.... :laugh:

I really do beat myself up for not completing something or getting something wrong, and if i'm doing something i have to do it to the extremes.

Im very stubborn, yes i do like my own space maybe a little too much sometimes too, but to me this is a good thing as it shows i'm not needy and don't need someone to full fill me as i'm happy in my own company.

I'm just a walking, talking, peace of perfection <wafts hair back> :*


Capricorn: Saturn as my ruling planet. We just HAVE to face challenges with everything we do. :p


Capricorn - I hate being so serious. Seriously. :p

Libra ascendant - I thought this was supposed to make me charming and nice, but mine comes with Pluto, which adds the dead seriousness of Scorpio.


Capricorn - I hate being so serious. Seriously. :p

Libra ascendant - I thought this was supposed to make me charming and nice, but mine comes with Pluto, which adds the dead seriousness of Scorpio.

I would kill for your asc!


Gemini - I dislike that I'm so easily bored and super wishy washy. I can't commit to any stance on anything. I'm floaty, flighty and often superficial.

All that said, I do like who I am as I am very open, love exploring new things/ideas and who really wants to walk on earth when you can fly in the clouds. lol

**I didn't know my moon sign...it's Pisces!! Interesting.


I'm with you starburst as far as accentuating positivity and even to the point where I've tried to eliminate the word 'hate' from my language. For me, the value in identifying faults is in then being in a position to decide courses of action to rectify them. One of the oldest axioms in astrology is, "The stars incline but do not compel", the implication being that the will of an individual is capable of overcoming the influence of star signs.

That said, as a Virgo, I try to be conscious of not taking things too literally or obsessing over details.

The star sign is only part of the story anyway. A lot of the time I relate more to my Pisces Moon and Cancer/Gemini cusp ascendant not to mention my Libran Mercury and Neptune.
Libran positives include the ability for charm, mediation and diplomacy but they need to be wary of making offence and apologising later and jumping on the other side of an opinion.

Hey guys, change it to what you can't stand, annoys/angsts you, I didn't use the word hate seriously or negatively, and of course we all celebrate the fab side of our signs....I love mine, I just hate (sorry) the weak sides that let me down, after all our sun signs are our strengths and missions...thanks to all posters replies