Relationships spread


This for looking at you (or the querent) and your (or their) partner. I came up with this spread a few months ago, but never got round to posting it on here.






The left side is all about your/the querent's feelings:

Card 1: How you feel at the moment

Card 2: How you feel about/what you gain from the relationship

Cards 3 and 4: Your hopes and fears

The right side is all about your partner's / querent's partner's feelings:

Card 5: How they feel at the moment
Card 6: How they feel about/what he gains from the relationship
Cards 7 and 8: Their hopes and fears

Card 9: The outcome.


Konata did a great job :eek:

waw, this a great spread!!!

i've never read for anyone, and then my friend asked me to read for him, about his relationship, voila~ so i tried this spread and it was wonderful!!!

it's my first time reading to someone, and i did great! i used my Mystic Faerie deck, and i'm so doki-doki nervous, but he kept on saying, "how do you know? how do you know??!?" ^__^

i'm very happy, that was my very-first experience reading for another people >,<

i can't believe i did this :eek:


*Grins* I'm SO glad it was useful for you, Konata-chan! It's a great feeling when you do a reading for the first time and it just fits perfectly.

(Sorry, I'm just grinning because I know what 'doki-doki' means. I've been watching too much anime again.)


CelticDruidess said:
*Grins* I'm SO glad it was useful for you, Konata-chan! It's a great feeling when you do a reading for the first time and it just fits perfectly.

(Sorry, I'm just grinning because I know what 'doki-doki' means. I've been watching too much anime again.)
i'm excited, i wrote on my messenger status, said, "tarot anyone? just for practising since i'm a newbie", and one of my friend asked me to read for him (different with yesterday), and i did great with this spread (again!)!!

hmmm,, but i use the spread to read for the "past relationship", to find what was happened with their relationship, and the spread did great too!

this spread really helps me with my tarot-learning and builds my confidence to read for others, since "love" and "relationship" is frequently asked by my friends (they do not have any idea what they want to read, but they want!)

*very happy*


Good one

I liked a lot this spread. :) 2 times and 2 good results


jaled said:
I liked a lot this spread. :) 2 times and 2 good results
desho desho?? ^_^

me too.... this spread has been the "trigger" for me, to read for others......

i become confident to read for others now :eek:


Excellent! :D Really glad it could help!

Eternal Sunshine

This spread has gotten so much good feedback im just going to have to try it.
