8-Card Spread!


Hello, everybody! I'm very amateur at reading Tarot, however I love it! xD I've got a sweet, sweet, SWEET, Tarot Art Nouveau deck by Antonella Castelli, and it's the sexiest and most appealing deck I have ever seen! :D Anyway, I need your help! I need to know if a 8-Card Tarot Spread exists or not. Eight's my favourite number and I've been doing spreads of eight for a while now. I like it. What I do isn't conventional though. I "kind of" know the divinatory meanings of the cards, however I try to give all 78 cards my OWN meanings. This deck is rich with art and beautiful imagery, so it is not so hard to try and explain what each card is really trying to speak to me or portray to the Querent. I don't know if that's good, but whenever I read, it's always coming from the heart and not just from the brains. I really feel connected to whoever it is from my friends that I read to when I do this. I just love it! xD I tell them beforehand that I'm no professional though --though I've always been giving them quite the accurate answers :) Please teach me a nice 8-Card Tarot Spread, because I want to stick with it f o r e v e r !

Thank you,



Check the Tarot Spreads Index at the top of the Tarot Spreads forum. There are lots of 8 card spreads listed there.




Ahhh, oh my God! Thank you so much, Rodney! You're the BOMB! =]