crossed conditions


i am currently going through what i feel to be a jinx and is there a spread which could help me best root out a solution to this problem?


A reading is a good thing to do if you are feeling jinxed or blocked...despite what is said...there are people out there who send out negative energy whether they mean to or a reading, just a general one and see what comes up. If it looks negative, or if it shows people causing trouble, or events unfolding or waiting to unfold thats going to be troublesome for you, then here is what I would do:

Shower, and pray....its cleanses you of bad energies...and makes you feel beter...prayer is good, whatever faith. It not only cleanses but protects...pray that anything against you will be broken. Be sincere.
dont worry if you dont know who or what may be causing it.

Clean you home...again, pray as you clean. It would be good as welll to burn white candles..never further break any negativity against you. It also cleanses and protects you. Play soothing, or inspiring music in the back ground. Carry something on you for protection...could be any symbol of faith that touches you, or something that you feel that protects you. And once things start to improve...dont let up. If it is someone who is deliberatly trying to sabatodge you, then it is your right to protect you and the ones you love...often times, we pick up on energy that other people or places send out that we have to be cleansed of. Sometime it can be just stress...but we are living in hard times now, and those hard times can cause problems....continue to have hope, and through it diligently...and remember that even in these times, the bad as well as the good...that it is allways an oppertunity to improve or be beter...also, some people who are jealous can cause when you pray, pray to rid yourself of jealousy, the evil eye, and anything negative that might come against you....including any jinxs, crossed or blocked conditons...

Hope this helps!