The Hilarious Spread



Rachel Pollack, sweetheart that she is, keeps her Facebook friends informed
about the odder days, and this is what she had to say earlier today:-

> In Ancient Rome it was the Day of Blood in the annual festival of Hilaria
> (where we get hilarious from), with people going wild and cutting
> themselves. And it's the birthday of Wilhelm Reich, so get out your orgone
> box! But then--it's also the birthday of Erich Weiss, aka Harry Houdini,
> so you get to escape the orgone box before you go all hilarious and hurt
> yourself! I'm thinking there must be a tarot spread in there somewhere,
> but it's too late to try and figure it out. Anyone want to try?

And I tried.


Row one

card 1: What was the Festival about Hilaria all about for me?

card 2: How does Hilaria herself feel about Romans doing this?

card 3: Is she in any wise connected with Hilarion (Charles Leadbeater, "The
Masters & the Path") who supposedly governs knowledge of science within
spirituality, and what is the nature of that connection?

card 4: what does the Festival of Hilaria mean to me (crossed by) card 5,
how the Romans view a dumpy, oddly-garbed 20th century type person speaking
gibberish, hanging around watching?

Row two

Card 6: What is Reich's message for me right now?

Card 7: How is my sex-life enhanced or crippled by having read Reich's
seminal (unfortunate, that!) text on love and lust?

Card 8: what thoughts did Reich hide carefully in the bottom of his
metaphorical Orgone Box, never to be revealed?

Card 9: What thoughts do I hide carefully at the bottom of my own
metaphorical Orgone Box never to be revealed, crossed by card 10, what
previously hidden thoughts am I now free to dig out of my Orgone Box and
allow to see the light of day?

Row three: cards 11,12 and 13: the Present, way forward, and outcome cards
of my everlasting struggle to make like Houdini and escape the shackles I
encounter in my life ...

Now I'm just going to pull out a suitable deck and scramble over to the "your readings" forum to see how it works out ...


Oh that's brilliant! *runs over to the 'your readings' to wait*


I can't stop laughing

Nisaba that's an excellent spread. Made a hilarious start to my afternoon!


Thank you.