Three Virtues spread


My mother had a plaque on her wall that quoted the Bible, saying: "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." I'm not a Christian, but I always liked this quote. In remembrance of her, I created this simple spread inspired by the quote.

Lay out four cards in a simple line.
Card 1, Faith. This card shows you where you are on your spiritual journey.
Card 2, Hope. This card summarizes your current hopes and dreams.
Card 3, Love. This card summarizes your current relationships with others, and your ability to spread love to them.
Card 4, Whole. This card summarizes what the three previous cards combine to become, and subsequently where you are as a whole.

I've found that if you get a card that you feel is 'negative' in one of the first three positions, it represents a negative force in your life which is blocking your flow of faith, hope or love. Draw another card and place it by the negative card. This card can clarify what is blocking you, or what action you need to take to get through the block.

I hope this spread works for you!


Hi GlitterNova, I wanted to thank you for posting this spread. It works beautifully! I've actually noticed that I seem to like using four-card spreads in particular, so it's nice to find another one to add to the "repertoire." :)

Your spread vaguely reminds me of the general body-mind-spirit (or body-heart-mind-spirit) spread that I like using, but I've actually been trying to find or come up with an alternative for a long time now since the body-mind-spirit categories work okay for the most part, but in my experience, they can feel rather broad or jumbled at times..... Your spread is different because it has a similar purpose but it's more specific, and yet it still lends a certain openness for interpretation. I love when a spread has that sort of flexibility. I also appreciate the spiritual focus in this spread. So it's just what I've been looking for! I'll definitely be using this one regularly. Thank you so very much!! :heart:


I'm glad this spread worked for you! I've never been too inspired by the mind body spirit spread, so that's actually one of the reasons I came up with this one.


I've never been too inspired by the mind body spirit spread, so that's actually one of the reasons I came up with this one.

Yes, while mind body spirit has worked for me at times, it often feels lacking; like the categories are too broad for me to focus. I'll get confused about the way they overlap or end up not meaning anything. I often end up over-thinking it and it just blocks my intuition. I'll often end up going through this sort of thought process with it: "Okay, body - I'll take that to be about the emotions, or is this about my health?... Heart - wait, isn't that emotions? Or is this talking about relationships? Or is this supposed to be about my spiritual growth since that surely relates to this whole notion of 'following my heart'... Mind - what I'm thinking, but how does that differ from what I'm feeling? AHHH!"

Anyway, I prefer your spread by far. It answers all the questions I was looking to accomplish through mind-body-spirit but it's much clearer, delving right into the heart of the matter while still seeing the bigger picture. Love it! Thanks again!



I got some very interesting results which I find to be very accurate too.