Vibrating God Names


The most important thing to remember about vibration is....

Breath in deep, and then use the whole of the out-breath to vibrate that one single word. Stretch the word out as you empty your lungs of air.

One breath, one word.


Aeon418 said:
The most important thing to remember about vibration is....

Breath in deep, and then use the whole of the out-breath to vibrate that one single word. Stretch the word out as you empty your lungs of air.

One breath, one word.
Given the importance of yoga to Crowley, is there any kind of injunction regarding how to breathe?

Oh, and what's a Q.D.? :)

\m/ Kat


thorhammer said:
Given the importance of yoga to Crowley, is there any kind of injunction regarding how to breathe?
Within the context of ceremonial vibration I don't think any special breathing techniques are required. Just normal deep and calm breathing. But when vibrating a name you really want to use the full capacity of the lungs, but not so much that you leave yourself gasping for air at the end though.

If you're looking for specific instructions on breath control (pranayama), take a look at Liber E vel Exercitiorum and Liber RV vel Spiritus.

A simpler practice is the Four-fold breath. Empty the lungs. Breathe in to a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Breathe out to a count of four. Hold for a count of four. And repeat. Once it gets easy you can increase to an 8, 16, or 24 count. Then you can tackle the more advanced stuff in Crowley's Libers with a degree of confidence.
But never strain yourself. You can hurt yourself or even damage your lungs.
thorhammer said:
Oh, and what's a Q.D.? :)
Q.C. ? Qabalistic Cross.


Thanks, Aeon. I just wondered about the different breathing, as I'm a regular student of yoga, and, in the course of our classes, we practice different techniques of breathing depending on the physical demands of the poses we are attempting, or the motivation of the meditation. Just thought it might have a bearing on the practice of this.

And yes, Q.C. :) Slip of the finger.

\m/ Kat


Aeon418 said:
Yes, but the instructional Libers were meant to be supplimented with oral instruction.

Oh, def! That's where I come in. ;)


thorhammer said:
Thanks, Aeon. I just wondered about the different breathing, as I'm a regular student of yoga, and, in the course of our classes, we practice different techniques of breathing depending on the physical demands of the poses we are attempting, or the motivation of the meditation. Just thought it might have a bearing on the practice of this.

That's where YOU come in. Use your own practice and knowledge to compliment what you are learning, analyse the different types of breathing techs you know or are learning and find the best for your usage and intent.


i know this is an old thread, but i felt like sharing my experience with this in case anyone finds it remotely useful....

ive found that there is no need to use the physical vocal chords whatsoever to create a massive intense vibration, when doing fact i have found that using the voice physically to be inhibiting.... for me it restricts the scope of the immense energetic force that can be generated when vibrating god-names......

BTW.. many english books on these subjects are misleading in the way they write god.names.... i found that the correct pronunciation of words and sounds REALLY helps when using vibratory techniques.....after all, these are magical words....

is there a reason that a lot of books dont translate the right way??
anybody know???


Maybe because many books are written from the armchair, ie. without practical experimentation and experience. i know some mistakes have gone trough generations of texts and 'students', and if any one had actually practised or worked with that specific technology they would KNOW it was a mistake or misprint.

So jujustar, you say you dont need voice to vibrate, but you didnt say how you DID vibrate. How do you do it?


ok, im really not the greatest at explaining things that i do.

ill try.

i had a teacher many years ago, when it was totally wasted on me..haha..

he got me to do many hours of mantras, alone, vocally,... and then after a long time, he said that i was ready for the "real mantra practice", which was taking the mantra into the heart, and vibrating/projecting it throughout the whole body with internal silent "sound", and i had to feel the different mantras vibrate in different areas on my body...
i never REALLY felt it as i was supposed to...

now with my studies in a different area of all this , i finally understand what it was all about. I started doing internal vibration because using my voice kept dragging me to the physical reality of my body, when i was trying to do my practices in a different form - not astrally though.....and i found that i didnt feel the same incredible surges of energy when i used my voice as i felt when i took it inside.

wow this is SO hard to explain coherently!!!

so i basically use my WHOLE body, not just the physical part, and you know, my lungs do feel it, and i do feel the exertion, but the overall effect is incredibly energizing, in spite of the exertion. It takes a lot of focus.

it wasnt that easy , it took a while for it to come naturally.

i hope ive explained myself.. i never talk about this stuff, but sometimes its good to share experience... id love to learn what others do, and id especially love to find out ive been doing it wrong way all this time..haha!!!
