Three of swords rx


Hello SunChariot,

Thank you so much for the Intrepretation. I understand that one single card can mean so many things. It also depends on how one views it. Like you said, although the question was about his feelings, it is possible that the msg is for me. The real problem for me is that I am u sure how to take the msg. I am unsure if that msg is for me instead. How do you decide ?

I disagree with above.
If he feels no pain and is all happy go lucky after a break up then they didn't care about you in the first place.
But the appearance of this card itself means that the energy is still there, I would of told the same as her if I saw the Temperance or 4 of swords instead of 3 of swords.
I'll say that again. They feel that pain it's obvious. But the king knows how to handle it well.
The king doesn't want something like that to take their title as a king.
They fondly would miss you and love you but that wouldn't stop from being happy again in the future.


It looks to me like the 3 reversed means the swords are falling away from the heart. The relationship pain taught him something about himself, and gave him some maturity (King Cups). He's moving away from it all.

Alternate view (and more likely scenario, imo) is (as the tarot always reflects *us*, even if we are asking about others) that you yourself are getting over the pain, but still think of him often as a good prospect. Distance from him (3 Sw, even rx) has made you idealize him as the perfect mate. (King Cups).


Hello SunChariot,

Thank you so much for the Intrepretation. I understand that one single card can mean so many things. It also depends on how one views it. Like you said, although the question was about his feelings, it is possible that the msg is for me. The real problem for me is that I am u sure how to take the msg. I am unsure if that msg is for me instead. How do you decide ?

The only way to decide between 2 possible meanings is through your intuition. Intuition is an important tool in Divination and that us one reason why. When you can see 2 possible meanings and both can't be right, you have to "feel" inside you which is the intended meaning. There's not really another way.

Now I am NOT saying that my meanings are the answer to your reading. I was just answering the question on what those cards would mean to me, had the come up in a reading that I had done.

But I did not do the did. So my belief is that the answer will come up with YOUR meanings and not anyone else's. The cards talk to each of us differently according to the meanings and nuances (and even the reading methods) that we choose to embrace.

The cards speak to each of us in a different language, put another way. Your cards will tend to speak to you in your language that you developed with them ..Or if 2 different readers were meant to get the same answer to the same question, likely each would get different cards to make them see the same answer. ..

Those are pretty much my beliefs on that. My answer was just to answer what those cards would have meant to me had I gotten them. That is what they would have meant, in my readings. What they mean to you, using your meanings, only you can know. You are the only one who knows for sure the language that YOU developed with your cards and your personal meanings. The cards that come up should do so coded using your personal meanings.



There is so much conflicting information written about this card when reversed that I thought I would reach all the way back to 1960 to see what Eden Gray had to say. This is a case where she added her own insight to Waite's core knowledge, and it's interesting in this context.

3 of Swords upright: "For a woman, the possible flight of her lover."

3 of Swords reversed: "A meeting with one whom the subject has compromised." (Waite's material, on the other hand, speaks of "alienation.")

I can't say precisely how he might feel, but it could be that you will see him again, especially if he was the one who initiated the break-up (that is, he "compromised" you). If, on the other hand, you cut him loose, you would be the "subject" who did the "compromising." But the meeting is still indicated.

Personally, despite the horrific image on this card, I'm not one who sees it as fearfully dire. First of all, it's a minor card with a fairly narrow range of expression, not a "game-changer" like Death or Judgment; secondly the number Three in esoteric number theory is about progress and evolution. In the case of Swords, the growth would be attended by difficulty or trial of some sort (I like to call it the "no pain, no gain" card for that reason). The reversal could mean that he has absorbed the trauma and processed it (as you say, "healed"), so it's not especially troublesome to him right now. Call it "hard knocks" giving way to "lesson learned;" there is wisdom in this combination. Also, the card relates to Saturn in Libra, so "justice served" might be a good expression for it. That sense of accepting the verdict might clear the way for the "meeting" mentioned by Gray.


Many thanks to the members who shared their opinion with me. It really helped me understand more about the cards/situation. I also learnt that if its my reading then i need to trust my intuition (like SunChariot said ) :).


3 of Swords upright: "For a woman, the possible flight of her lover."

3 of Swords reversed: "A meeting with one whom the subject has compromised." (Waite's material, on the other hand, speaks of "alienation.")

I can't say precisely how he might feel, but it could be that you will see him again, especially if he was the one who initiated the break-up (that is, he "compromised" you). If, on the other hand, you cut him loose, you would be the "subject" who did the "compromising." But the meeting is still indicated.

Hello Barleywine,

Thank you so much for the interesting interpretation. .. am not quoting this because you mentioned about "meeting", but after reading your interpretation, 3 of swords doesnt look as negative as it used to look before in my eyes.