A walk in the woods


Just used this last night for a friend who has had her cards read once when she was a child.

She was blown away as well as totally ticked off. :) Great reading!


Wow, another wonderful spread! Thanks for sharing, Azarial!


Thank you for sharing this spread. I'm new to Tarot and the story along with the spread really helps in understanding. A very nice story too!



I love this spread and use it often!

Question: I got King of Swords as a fear in a reading for my friend's mother. Any help with this?


LadySquee said:
I love this spread and use it often!

Question: I got King of Swords as a fear in a reading for my friend's mother. Any help with this?

LadySquee, thank you for resurecting this thread! I have not seen this spread before, and it sounds lovely!

Now, as for your King of Swords, the rules generally are (I think) that you need to post this in "your readings" and mention the spread you are doing, as well as all the cards in each position and then your thoughts on what they mean. then others can join in and give their thoughts to it as well. I hope you will do so, as it may spark others to use this spread also and provide some wonderful responses to it again, after all these years since it was first posted!


Ah, you are right. I was hoping to get the person who made the thread's opinion, though I have been meaning to bump this up for a long while.

Willow Huntermoon

I am also very glad this thread is back. :thumbsup:
I did this spread for myself and it was beautiful and soul stirring.
It is very mesmerizing you almost feel you are in the woods at one with yourself and nature.
Thank you for a lovely spread!


I'm very happy you all like the spread. :)


Your spread

Azarial, what a great spread!

Im entering autumn... I think in a moment of peace, Im doing it.

Thanks so much for sharing it!


Thank you for sharing

I've been having trouble deciding what sort of spread to try for a friend (he told me to choose). This one popped into my head, so I might try it for him later on. :) I used it a few years ago with my Faeries Oracle, when I was just starting out, and received a lovely reading.