Tiny automatic drawings on offer


Just adding my name to the list BrightEye in the hope that there may be a space at some stage.
I am in awe of your beautiful illustrations - they are majikal indeed.

I am looking at the path ahead - I wonder what you see.
When ever you can is fine - add to me a later list if you need.
Many thanks.


Hi BE,

sorry for the delay in giving feedback to you, I wanted to think over the reading a little before giving feedback. This reading is spot on again. I like to compare this to the first reading last year. That picture showed perhaps me as a figure with emotionally missing parts, a dark scene with water below and a large fish trying to swim away. I found it a bit bleak and sad but it sort of was the picture of my situation then.

I feel this reading is sort of "part 2" a continuation, it's a happier picture. I know the faces look sad but in life I feel I have been moving on since that sad scene before. Things seem less bleak, there isn't bad weather or dark colours in this new picture. the picture is slightly bluey, than the grey :)

So, the reading seems to be indeed about androgyny or about masculine and feminine, as represented by the two masks. The one on the right is more feminine looking. She is also a little sad. And she is paired with a seashell, which is again a symbol of femininity and female sexuality.

The mask on the left is sharper, more confident and masculine looking. And there is a seagull, the bird of the drawing's title, flying away to the left, trying to disentangle itself.

I think the drawing suggests that your feminine side feels neglected and sad. It wants more attention and expression. However, I think the overall message of the drawing is that you need to get away from thinking in anima/animus terms altogether. It's too binary, even if you think in terms of androgyny and merging the two. You need to look elsewhere for answers.

ETA: Actually, I'm undecided about the male-female dynamic here. The bird could also indicate that you might need to move away from some sort of enforced masculinity. Maybe that is the image you present to the world and that makes another part of you sad.

I have been working on my spirituality and going very deep within for a few years now but in the past year I have been really interested in my feminine side. I think I repressed it for years because society hates a fem guy really, acceptance is more difficult. So I have really been working on this and think I am more androgynous. It's very freeing to just accept and release everything about yourself.

I've go through different aspects of the picture from the right hand side. The more right figure actually looks like me quite a lot :D wide faced. there is a bit of a sad face there and next to the shell. As well as femininity, I think it represents security and inhibitions. Perhaps "coming out of my shell". when I get scared or unconfident I dive inside! The shell is safety. I am with another person and I am not sure who that is, they are more thin faced. perhaps this is a person to come into my life. Perhaps they are both aspects of me. I am not sure. They also don't look happy but they are much more stylish I feel. like they could just be working the look, it's a style statement or something. cheekbones and almost posing. The faces are joined together in paint. I am not sure if they are both me, or if that is someone else! will have to think about that.

The bird you found a little tricky to work out but I see this symbol sooooo easily to me. it's a sea bird obviously like a gull or something (and there is a little sea on the bottom by the shell) but it represents flying to freedom. interesting you said about untangling itself which I didn't see until I looked more closely. The bird is the freedom to live my life exactly as I am, it is the fish of the first picture and again sea / watery themes in the setting. I think finding my identity involves a lot of areas, sexuality, gender, sex, personality, everything, it's not simple (I thought it was simple at one stage), I have to embrace and love all that about myself to find the freedom. The bird flying comes from within. It also flies and has movement where as currently I am a bit bound up in netting.

Enforced masculinity sounds like the worst thing ever and I have started to become stronger in my identity, not quite there but I am starting to become really uncompromising about it. If someone has a problem about it, they are no longer part of my life. So I think the reading is saying to deal with that feminine side and there is still work to do there because people are not happy yet. They have sad faces (or wear a sad mask). But ultimately life is never so black and white or binary, there is a spectrum in everything. The people who love me in life probably don't associate what area I register myself in different categories, they look at the whole person. There is far more I need to work at.

from this fabulous picture I think the answer to my happiness is not about finding my identity or embracing it, also maybe it's not about finding another person or a close friend / partner. It's about the freedom to not be bound by anything perhaps, not tied down to any categorisations or labels. I'm not sure on this but it's an area I totally forgot about on my self work :) who really cares where you tick to identity yourself ultimately!

Thank you BE, another thought provoking and amazing picture reading! although the faces are sad I really really love this picture for some reason! Where as the other picture makes me feel a bit sad and bleak looking at it!


The overall feel I get from this drawing is of restriction. This woman looks like a dancer who not only can't hear the music but can't disentangle herself from those voluminous clothes that impede her freedom of movement.

Something seems to be holding you back in moving forward with this project. There is something that you haven't thought of that needs your attention before you can move forward with purpose and confidence. My guess is it has to do with mindset and attitude more so than with economic considerations. Your mind is not as free as it needs to be. I'm also struck by the bird that's flying in the opposite direction. This makes me think that you may need to reconsider an approach.

Does any of this resonate?

? ... :) The thing that resonates is a 'restricted dancer' in the very literal sense.
I am a belly dancer who can no longer dance because my knees no longer like it (hypermobility problems with most of my joints). When I finally decided I must stop (or else most likely be seeing the inside of a surgery room again), I was rather depressed about it all, for over a year. Better now. I have discovered Wing Tsun Kung Fu - and when done accurately, Wing Tsun has no knee rotational movements. (Wing Tsun was designed by a woman - the form we follow has little floor work, no deep knee bends and no jumping in the air - perfect for me).

As for the rest... there may be something I as yet have not thought of... And as I am aware of this - I keep asking everyone I know who may shed light on my projects to give comments/feedback etc.
It's possible that the "lack of freedom" in mind might be my age-old self doubts/well worn tape of "I'm not quite good enough to do it yet". The new 2nd business is Tarot reading - and as I've shelved my Tarot reading skills for quite a few years now, I'm wildly dragging out all my texts etc. to re-read, and spending looong hours here on this forum to incorporate more information.

Oh course... the "restriction" - could possibly be my partner - who has little in the way of an 'alternative/esoteric' mindset, and as the years have gone by I've become more weary of this stance, which means that I have to forever work around him - making things much more energetically expensive for myself, than they might otherwise have to be.
The restrictive clothing of this lady that you have drawn, may be my marriage cowl.

She looks like a carved Marble pillar - and sort of reminds me of stories like that of Lot's wife, Edith, being turned to a pillar of salt - or of Galatea, whom Pygmalion was carving out of a pillar of marble, and on completion, she became a real woman. In this case the restrictive clothing would be the bits of marble that he chipped away to reveal her full form. Hmm.
I shall contemplate these stories further...

She also looks like a chess piece - and sadly my mind immediately goes here to my relationship with this.
The bird flying in the opposite direction - is a dove? Doves mean peace and freedom...
so - ref. to the above relationship comments just made. I think about freedom alot and would like to turn round and follow that bird, but I have my beliefs and principles and many years of shared living with all the palaver that goes with that, so presently I'm still scouring the existing path ahead of me, to see if there's any milage left in it that I could re-discover as worthwhile. As well as making sure that if I must turn around and follow that bird - I can do it from a position of strength.

It is beautiful - thankyou very much. And it also makes me cry and reminds me that I can no longer dance (much).

Now to organise getting it printed...

And to begin 'listening' for whatever it is that I shall paint for you...


Thank you for the detailed feedback, Daniel and Tanga. I appreciate the fact that everyone is so generous and I don't take it for granted.

It is so interesting to see that sometimes these drawings are very literal, like the dancer meaning literally dancing. It's also great to see what people see in the drawings apart in addition to what I see. I think of it as a two-way process.

I'll post the remaining readings in this round tomorrow and then open a new round.


Reading for Starri Knytes - 1 February 2015

I see two thinks here: a falling man and a rising flame. The falling man reminded me of a painting by Max Beckmann and about one of the very few comments he made about his work to his wife. Apparently, the falling man is man as in the human race. We are thrown into this world, while the angels sail on in their ships undisturbed.

There are no angels in this drawing, but I think they are implied. Falling in all its connotations is part of being human and being in this world. I am also reminded of the Hanged Man in tarot. Sacrifice and letting go is needed if we want to embrace new things in our lives.

Perhaps this time in your life is a time of transition, perhaps painful transition, but the drawing suggests you are in the process of releasing vital creative energies that will mark the beginning of a very exciting new phase in your life, and the flame symbolizes that.

I also get the impression that the man is looking at his reflection in a mirror. I'm not sure how to read that. Either you need to stop criticizing yourself or you need to take a closer look at an aspect of your self that might help you move forward.


Reading for Ginmore - 1 February 2015

I have called this drawing 'The Witnesses' because I had a distinct feeling that the relationship you mentioned is being spied on, or at least observed, by others. You have the witnesses is a cloud coming from the left into the middle of the drawing and a stylized couple to the right. The two lovers are naked and embracing.

I get the impression someone is very interested in this union. I can't tell whether this interest is positive or negative, but I'm erring on the side of the latter. Someone is prying and maybe disapproving of you being together. I also can't say for certain whether the witness are living humans in your social circle or spirits of the departed, or maybe both.

Anyway, the overall feel I get is of the two of you wanting privacy and not getting it.


I have called this drawing 'The Witnesses' because I had a distinct feeling that the relationship you mentioned is being spied on, or at least observed, by others. You have the witnesses is a cloud coming from the left into the middle of the drawing and a stylized couple to the right. The two lovers are naked and embracing.

I get the impression someone is very interested in this union. I can't tell whether this interest is positive or negative, but I'm erring on the side of the latter. Someone is prying and maybe disapproving of you being together. I also can't say for certain whether the witness are living humans in your social circle or spirits of the departed, or maybe both.

Anyway, the overall feel I get is of the two of you wanting privacy and not getting it.

Thank you so much for this drawing. It's beautiful and I'll cherish it.

Now for my feedback. I was so excited to open the drawing I looked at it before I read the text. My first impression was the lovers were us and that dark cloud was our situation. He's in the military and will be relocated in May. We don't know where he'll be moved to and he doesn't want a long distance relationship. He's also been hurt in the past and is very guarded.

When I read your reading I had to think. As far as I know he hasn't spoken of us as we're not official. Then I remembered a few months ago I had a reading and was advised of people close to him advising him against pursuing anything serious with me. On my side, I also have people who are against us being together. The reasons vary but non seem valid. This drawing is thought provoking.

We do want time alone and it's hard as our living situation and distance makes it difficult. It's also his fears of getting attached that are also in our way. Once he starts to get close he starts to pull away. It's a complicated situation but I don't think I'm going to give up just yet.

Thanks again for the reading and if I think of anything else I'll be back with more feedback :)


Awesome :heart: count me when you will re open
really,with these drawings you will have a succesful career.!!do smth!!

Im glad im next one :-D do you see me with Ab as couple this month?


This is interesting, I'd love to be added to this list if you can. Its about my love life with X, a general.