2 of wands as sexual attraction?


So, person X isn't swept away by attraction and lust. Instead it is on their mind and they keep pondering what to do about it. Reflecting if they act upon it how things will pan out, what will be the implications, what will be the long term outcome and so on.


New Age - I think your version of what it could mean is quite good, you really looked at the details of the card and thoughtfully applied them. I read the other responses as well and a couple make sense to me and a few don't seem to fit as well but are good ideas. I think if this card comes up for me I'll take into account the idea of boundaries.


The Ace of Wands can indicate sexual desire so the 2 of Wands represents the first step toward acting on that attraction. In the RWS deck, the man in the 2 of Wands is directing energy toward something and I interpret it to mean he's now thinking of some way he can approach the object of his desire. In real life, this could mean for instance, the guy sends an email or Facebook message to see if there's a response back