Looking for Love


One of the most common requests for a reading is one about relationships, whether it be one someone is already in, or one they would like to attain.

Relationships can mean lots of different things to different people, but more often than not these questions are related to the romantic type..... So this got me thinking..... I have done spreads before about conflict resolution but this time I thought I would put one together about finding love.

I have not tried it out myself, so perhaps someone here who has that question in mind will give it a spin and let me know what they think of it:



.... 9.....
[size=+2]LOOKING FOR LOVE[/size]​

1: What do I Want out of a relationship?
2: What do I Need out of a relationship?

3: How do I block love in my life?

4: What aspects of myself work for me?
5: What aspects of myself work against me?

6: How can I bring these two aspects into harmony?

7: What should be my first step towards finding love?
8: How do I follow on with this step?

9: How can I increase my chances of finding love?

10: What I really need to know (one last piece of advice)


Hi HoneyBea,
I tried your spread last night and it gave pretty good answers. Thank you for posting.


Delacey said:
Hi HoneyBea,
I tried your spread last night and it gave pretty good answers. Thank you for posting.

Hi Delacey, thanks for taking it for a test run, glad you found it useful :)



I did the spread with RWS and it was very on spot, i liked it a lot :)
Thanks HoneyBea :heart:


moderndayruth said:
I did the spread with RWS and it was very on spot, i liked it a lot :)
Thanks HoneyBea :heart:

Ah thanks moderndayruth, its nice to know it works well :D