Our Romance: The Soul Mate Spread

Knight of Hearts

Is this the cheesiest-ever name for a spread or what? Maybe it just sounds like 50 others lol. ;) Anyway, this is the first spread I've ever created, based on my relationship with my soul mate, so that I may gain insight into us as we were apart for some time but are now reconnecting. Also, I dont see why this spread wouldnt work for any type of relationship such as business associates or family members. Forgive me if it's a little wonky and any advice to make it less wonky is much appreciated. I've tried it once myself and I loved it! I'm going to take my own personal reading and interpretation over to Your Readings forum asap. In the meantime, hopefully some crazy romantics will try it out and get some sweet stuff! :heart:


10, 11, and 12 are general overview cards, past present and future; middle line containing 8 through 9 are central issues; 6, 5, and 7 foundation cards.

1. partner's present position/partner individually
2. querent's present position/querent individually
3. how P feels about Q
4. how Q feels about P
5. mutual feeling/connecting factor
6. P's influence on relationship
7. Q's influence on relationship
8. P's guidance card; how P can improve relationship
9: Q's guidance card; how Q can improve relationship
10. couple's past
11. " present
12. " future

Any suggestions, questions, fab readings, etc please let me know. :heart:


Went ahead and tried this on a business acquaintance. Seemed pretty accurate, though I was confused by the 'guidance' cards, and also got a puzzling Future card (I hate it when court cards turn up in those kind of places.)

Seems like a spread worth adding to my collection...

Knight of Hearts

Thanx Sobekneferu. My guidance cards were a little confusing too. Glad it worked out well for you. :heart:


I'm going to try this out right now.

What caught my eye is that his initial is P, so that should make it easier for me to know that section is him. :D

Looks good, not wonky at all that I can see.

Knight of Hearts

I'd love to know how it works out for you Sinduction. Best of luck. :)


I like this spread a lot, thanks for sharing it.


Knight of Hearts

I love it too, more every time I use it!!! I'm thrilled that it works so beautifully. :heart:


Thanks for sharing the spread, Knight of Hearts, it's great! :thumbsup:
I did very profound and meaningful reading with it, the only small thing that i 'added'- i peeked at the base card ( i always do ;))


Great spread. Pulled tons of wands and cups! Good things :)

Knight of Hearts

Yes those are wonderful things. :heart:

mdr, by base card do you mean #5 mutual feeling? Forgive my confusion. :)