Ludy Lescot - Tens

La Force

I don't think the women in ten of cups is a nanny because it is odd when drawing a family, but focused on the nanny. And she does not look like a nanny, her clothing and gloves are quite luxurious.

I think the 10oC is showing a broke family, divorced or try to bear with each other for the honor or something else. The woman is the mother of the baby, and her husband is behind, affair with other women in front of his wife. But she didn't care, she has her child, why does she need to care about the treacherous husband when her child need her? The tables show her break off with her husband very perfect, reminds me to 9 of Cups of RW.

This card is not a traditional 10oC (ten of cups), but I still see she is happy with her child, even without her husband, Because she is one of a few woman in this deck don't have dark markings like tears.

I need the LWB :(

That is an interesting take, single mother raising her child independantly. ha, like it. cause that is common nowa days raising the children on your own. hmmm Family is a Family whether your together or apart.

About the the LWB no you don't need it, why cause all that is in the LWB is all quoted here. so you will be all good, just search for the card in the threads here in the study group. I have the LWB and have not even read it. why I am letting Ludy tell me the story the personal connection she has for me. a suggestion pick a card any card will do, find the one you dislike the most, go back in time to a place that you experienced and tell that experience through cards image and give it a happy ending. It worked for me, so I don't need the book.



The LWB cautions against the ego. In the card the man may be seen to be more interested in wealth than his family, or else the box contains less than he was hoping for. He looks displeased despite having such a grand property, wealth and his family.


A reminder to appreciate what we have and value our place in the world.


Urging us not to assume unreasonable responsibility for the way of the world.


Advising us not to look back and regret the past, rather, look to the future.

Pam O

10 of Cups - Ludy Lescot

I was lookig at this blog:

As I pondered The 10 of Cups, I notice that the silhouette of the couple by the window feels like a memory. Questions footed thru my mind:
- Is he gone, no longer in her life?
- Is it a memory of the night she feels she got pregnant?
- Is it a daydream of a relationship she wishes for?
- Is her man at work, or otherwise occupied while she takes care of their baby?
- Is she the Mom or nanny? :)

Do any other scenarios come to your mind?


I was lookig at this blog:

As I pondered The 10 of Cups, I notice that the silhouette of the couple by the window feels like a memory. Questions footed thru my mind:
- Is he gone, no longer in her life?
- Is it a memory of the night she feels she got pregnant?
- Is it a daydream of a relationship she wishes for?
- Is her man at work, or otherwise occupied while she takes care of their baby?
- Is she the Mom or nanny? :)

Do any other scenarios come to your mind?

This make sense of the 10/sword, the fading memory of a killed man and happy days but a real baby sired by him to care for.

And 10/Wands where he passionately and desperately tries to keep the roof over his family's head, but turn to commit theft to keep his family together (10/Coins).