The Lovers as feelings toward someone??


Again, this is just my take. :)

The Knight of Swords, for me, is just as sexual as the Knight of Wands, but his motives and approach are more calculated, pondered and deliberate. He is intellectually curious about everything, including sex, and will, in my opinion, try anything once. He has an openness of mind that is unmatched by the other Court cards. To him, sex is almost an experiment of sorts.

Again, just my twos. :)

To me, the knight of swords is a very angry, even violent card.....can't really see it as a lover.....but that's me....


To me, the knight of swords is a very angry, even violent card.....can't really see it as a lover.....but that's me....
For some people, sex and violence do co-exist, and I think the Knight of Swords can reflect this. Yes, I agree, he can be angry and violent. But there is such a thing as angry and violent sex. Different strokes for different folks.


If we are talking about violent sex, then I agree...

I have a question for you, lookasenna, which follows your interpretation of wands. Maybe I'll post it here, in another thread of you readings.
I'll let you know.


If we are talking about violent sex, then I agree...

I have a question for you, lookasenna, which follows your interpretation of wands. Maybe I'll post it here, in another thread of you readings.
I'll let you know.
Or you can pm me, whichever you prefer. :)


Mythological interpretation. The Rider-Waite Lovers is Adam and Eve before the Fall. They hadn't invented clothing yet, and they were the only human beings. Eve is looking at the Angel; Adam is looking at Eve. The channel of communication is from Angel to Eve to Adam. Eve is more receptive to spiritual communication than Adam. This is why the snake (Nachash) "tempted" Eve rather than Adam. The Nachash was a spiritual agent to which Eve was attuned. Spiritually, Adam was not very bright. Their being naked does not pertain to sexual activity.

It might be before the Fall, LRichard, but the snake is there, already reaching for Eve....and although she might not be looking at him just yet, we all know how the story ends.....


It might be before the Fall, LRichard, but the snake is there, already reaching for Eve....and although she might not be looking at him just yet, we all know how the story ends.....

It ended with Adam and Eve gaining procreative powers "as gods" (to quote the snake). Union is only possible through annihilation of opposite dualities and the Lovers, for many reasons, strongly suggests division and the definition of the variables concerned. Before the Fall they may as well had been one person as they were indistinguishable for all practical purposes except for one, the missing rib. It is no coincidence that Eve, the primordial Mother, is the one who eats the apple first or that a snake was the vehicle of change, if you get my drift.

In a divinatory sense, I don't know if "choice" would be quite the word I would use, unless choice would imply calculation and observation. I see the Lovers as perhaps awareness of separation, the desire of the one to experience unity through duality. Is that Love? Maybe. However, like Thirteen said, I wouldn't break out the napkin rings just yet, as the Lover is strongly connected to the intellect, it may not be romantic love, but rather encapsulates the totality of the human experience as desire/object of desire. This may sound abstract, but this denotes a desire to "experience" you deeply, but that experience could be a thousand different things. Specific to your question, I think he misses you.


I want to ask you the same question I asked thirteen....what card in the deck (RW esp) talks to you about sex ?.......
The Devil (Capricorn), obviously, and I am not being flippant. Death (Scorpio) may also suggest the annihilation of the ego in the ecstasy of orgasm. This is further reinforced by its Hebrew letter attribution Nun (fish), which is suggestive of a spermatozoon. Note also the "seed" in the sky in the BOTA version of Death.

ETA. Sorry, there is no porn in the sex attachment. The Empress is a turn-on for me. Look at the position of her left hand and the angle of her scepter, which points to her "vesica pisces." One also cannot ignore the planetary attribution of Venus to this supernal mother goddess. Moreover, her Hebrew letter Daleth means door. One may ask, "Door to what?" I leave that to your imagination. })


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Answering both to Clorapexa and LRichard.....I don't like to over-intellectualize the cards, and I insist that, whatever else it means, the Adam and Eve story to me is primarily about one far the the other cards mentioned are concerned, I already said what I think about the Devil-sexual, yes, but a negative aspect of sex or sexuality. As for the other cards : Death....I'm a scorpio, so I feel particularly attuned to that card, but when I see it in a reading, it doesn't make me jump and think : sex ! sexual attraction ! I would need other cards to validate that interpretation. The Emperess yes, I agree. It's about extreme femininity, fertility, etc, so it fits. Lokasenna's cards to mean sex, same thing. I would definitely need them in a context to think about sex, sexual attraction, etc.
The Lovers....well, yes, it could mean a platonic union, a spiritual union, soul mates, choice, whatever you want. But if two healthy grownups have a relationship and are in love, with that card I would find it very hard to believe that sex is not a part of it.


The Emperess yes, I agree. It's about extreme femininity, fertility, etc, so it fits. Lokasenna's cards to mean sex, same thing. I would definitely need them in a context to think about sex, sexual attraction, etc.
''The other woman'' in an affair. I've often had the Empress pop up to suggest this, and evidently illicit sex is a big part of the allure. Of course other cards in context would come into play.
As far as ''being in love'' goes, I equate that more with the Two of Cups than the Lovers. If we're talking about the FEELING of being in love, that is. If we're talking about actual actual L-O-V-E, abstraction made of racing heartbeats, sweaty palms and other assorted pheromones, and a deeply compatible sexual chemistry that stands the test of time, then yes, I can see the Lovers representing that sort of bond between two people.


Nobody is over-intellectualizing, just pondering the meaning of "love," with its many facets, and it isn't over-intellectualizing to consider the totality of significance a card has. Not to mention, there is no use insisting that you have your opinion, I already assume you do, but it helps if people come to discussions with an open mind. Looking at a card's attributions needn't be cold and logical, it certainly isn't for me, but it does help see different sides of a card that may not be apparent simply from the image, as well as make connections between different cards that would otherwise seem unlikely (hence, make connections between facets of life itself).

I look at the Tree of Life and it fills me with sensations (perhaps what one might call, wrongly, "intuitive feelings") even though I may speak in pseudo-intellectual terms. And I can't apologize, as the mindset of "this card means [insert trite, two word, empowering cliche here] is an over-simplification, as we aren't just talking about pictures, we're talking about concepts of life, and death, and love and lust and heaven knows what else. Maybe others' interpretations of Adam and Eve will instruct you, illuminate you or at the very least, allow you to develop you own ideas further, if you don't insist that that is what it means for you.

Death as sex? Makes sense; I've heard the moment of orgasm described as a "little death," a moment when one feels at union with everything, and for a brief moment one is alone in the universe, yet is also everything. There are, of course, many types of love. One can fall in platonic love in the sense of the first months of a new friendship. As to sex, well, there is the assexual community, healthy adults looking for love without sex.

No interpretation is completely wrong, but my point is expanding your ideas about any card can only develop your view of the card as well as develop yourself, and the Lovers is too "big" to be cramped in with the single idea.