Anchi's Dianic Tarot



And yes, I thought later so, too ^^ “Virgin” is the wrong translation. Maybe “Maid” is better? I am not sure, how to call the face cards. I change it sometimes ^^

I very much like the idea of using the name Maid instead of Virgin. Virgin implies a sort of sexual purity that the image on the card seems to contradict.

While physical virginity has a fairly clear definition (either the person has experienced intercourse or hasn't), virginity as a concept has a much broader connotation. The idea of a a fresh faced, innocent, untouched girl . . . who probably doesn't touch herself, either, or desire sex.

I'm not sure why, culturally, I have that connotation in my mind, but nonetheless, it's there.

But I digress . . . Anchi, I think your cards are quite lovely. I'm not a Dianic witch, really, but I am a Goddess-worshipper who connects strongly to Diana :).


I think the images are lovely! I will be following the progress of your work for sure! :)



Thanks for all :)

Looks like she's astride the dolphin's back, holding it around the neck as she rubs herself (sexually) against it. Looks like they're both enjoying that physical contact. The mermaid appears to have two foot-fins so she is riding on top of the dolphin instead of along side it.

Yes, she has two foot-fins because I’m tired of typical mermaids. She’s borne by the dolphin. The erotic aspect is volitional. You can only find Harmony in and with your feelings, when you awake to all your desires. To enjoy your sexuality is part of this ^^

kind regards


Honest criticism ahead.

Are all the figures on the cards young, white, slender, sexy girls? I admit while I find the idea fascinating and the combination with plants deeply interesting, it's off-putting for me to see only one body type represented in a deck. Of course, this is only a question, you showed us only very few cards.

From an artistic point of view I feel that you can take a deep breath and get more spontaneous and self confident. Free your brush. Maybe work on larger canvas. And work on your color depths. Maybe work in more layers. Even if the viewer can't see the layers any more, one can feel whether a color has come straight from the container of whether it's the result of a longer process.

What colors are you using? If watercolors - don't apply them too thickly and play with washes. If acrylic - layer them. Let the character of the material shine through. Material is important in art. It has its own character and presence.

Obviously, what I say is irrelevant if you feel sure in your style. You have great ideas and beautiful compositions. I feel your execution needs more self confidence and "wildness". After all, Diana is the goddess of the wild animals and the forest.

I hope my frank feedback didn't hurt you. It was not meant that way. I've been teaching art for so many years that I get into the horrible old teacher mode too quickly. Sorry.


I don't know anything about the topic of the deck either, but it's beautiful. And for me I would buy one if I could, just from seeing the cards so far. To me it says a lot about our connection to the planet and that is really talking to me.

Beautifully done!
