All four 7 minors appear in a Spread


I was doing a Spread last night about what I will gain face and overcome throughout my dissertation project and the first 4 cards I pulled were the 7 minors.

I was a bit shocked to see all of the minor 7s come out in succession.

Have you all ever had a Reading with all 7s ?
Did you find it at all significant that they all appeared in the Spread?

I almost got lost in the 7s that I neglected the remaining cards but I was so enthralled by the presence of 7s.

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What comes immediately to mind is the importance of the symbolism of the number 7 (that corresponds to the Chariot card)

Anthony Louis says concerning the 7: "Loss of stability brought on by new awareness", however he develops this matter in a way a bit difficult to synthetize.


Hi, take a look at this link:, the description about the 7's in general may be helpful, like this one:

"All Four Sevens can actually be a good sign and once they are Upright suggests that you are really taking the necessary steps to get your life in order and are making progress. It is a testimony to your strong assertive and independent personality which is the type that never gives in. You are finding a way around all the pot holes and thinking on your feet. Luck is bound to be on your side as a result of all your combined efforts."

Hope it helps!


I wrote an essay on the Sevens and Eights that may at some point be published in the American Tarot Association's monthly newsletter. Here is how I ended it:

"Thus, the experience of the Sevens and Eights in series can be likened to that of learning to ride a bicycle. Leaving the comfortable stability of the Sixes behind, one first wobbles this way (Seven) and then that (Eight). One is an unnerving departure from balance and the other is a corrective “steering” - and perhaps “over-steering” - maneuver. The first is a “gut” reaction (“Oh no, I'm going to fall!”) resulting in an uncontrolled jerk of the handlebars, while the second is a quick mental calculation of how much to jerk them back in the other direction. The outcome is a swerving path that hopefully spells forward progress and not skinned elbows and knees!"

In this context, seeing all of the Sevens of the Minor Arcana in a reading could suggest trying to take that first bike ride down a rocky incline. The ride is so bumpy that you just hang on, with no hope of compensating maneuvers to stay on course.

I should add that I'm not one who sees Seven as a "noble" number the way it is treated in some systems of thought; like Anthony Louis and Elizabeth Hazel, I interpret it as a departure from balance (as well as a need to clarify the situation and possibly take a new direction). Having all four of them in series might possibly be self-cancelling, but they might also simply exaggerate and aggravate the imbalance.


I wrote an essay on the Sevens and Eights that may at some point be published in the American Tarot Association's monthly newsletter. Here is how I ended it:

"Thus, the experience of the Sevens and Eights in series can be likened to that of learning to ride a bicycle. Leaving the comfortable stability of the Sixes behind, one first wobbles this way (Seven) and then that (Eight). One is an unnerving departure from balance and the other is a corrective “steering” - and perhaps “over-steering” - maneuver. The first is a “gut” reaction (“Oh no, I'm going to fall!”) resulting in an uncontrolled jerk of the handlebars, while the second is a quick mental calculation of how much to jerk them back in the other direction. The outcome is a swerving path that hopefully spells forward progress and not skinned elbows and knees!"

In this context, seeing all of the Sevens of the Minor Arcana in a reading could suggest trying to take that first bike ride down a rocky incline. The ride is so bumpy that you just hang on, with no hope of compensating maneuvers to stay on course.

I should add that I'm not one who sees Seven as a "noble" number the way it is treated in some systems of thought; like Anthony Louis and Elizabeth Hazel, I interpret it as a departure from balance (as well as a need to clarify the situation and possibly take a new direction). Having all four of them in series might possibly be self-cancelling, but they might also simply exaggerate and aggravate the imbalance.

Ohh I love this idea of departure from Balance. The Bike metaphor is really insightful, all of the 7s definitely bring up some sort of acclamation or reorientation. I must admit this reading made me challenge my ideas of 7s representing completion which is what I learned from Christianity. Not that it could never represent that in a Spread but Tarot along with numerology presents so many different alternative interpretations.

I must subscribe the the American Tarot Association's Newsletter!

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Hi, take a look at this link:, the description about the 7's in general may be helpful, like this one:

"All Four Sevens can actually be a good sign and once they are Upright suggests that you are really taking the necessary steps to get your life in order and are making progress. It is a testimony to your strong assertive and independent personality which is the type that never gives in. You are finding a way around all the pot holes and thinking on your feet. Luck is bound to be on your side as a result of all your combined efforts."

Hope it helps!

Wow this is a great resource thank you for sharing!

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I must subscribe the the American Tarot Association's Newsletter!

It's free to the public. All you have to do is log onto their website and click on "Reflections." I believe the electronic version of the quarterly journal isn't free, though, or it could be members-only.