Mystic Dreamer Tarot--Ace of Swords


The Ace of Swords shows a nighttime/twilight background. A large sword is stuck in a stone. A spark of light emits where the sword meets the stone. A woman sits beside the stone with her hand on the base of the sword, in the sparks of light. She wears a black spaghetti-strap tank top. Red roses grow out of the stone and twine up the sword. 3 purplish-red flowers grow on the front of the sword and lichen grows on the stone. A red crown perches atop the hilt of the sword. The crown has jewels and gold and looks like the formal British crown of the king/queen. A large emerald is set into the hilt of the sword. The ever-present moon is in the sky and there are large stones in the background, along with wintery-looking trees (bare branches, etc.). The entire card has a wintery feel to it. There are nine birds in the immediate sky and a larger flock in the distance.

The this a reference to the head? It's a red crown...passion of thought? The head rules everything else?

What's up with the flowers?

And why is the card so dark...thoughts are dark, or occur in the darkness of the subconscious?

Emeralds...not usually associated with thought, as far as I know.




this card looks empty like... there a ginormous crown and sword and either the womans a midget or she's in giant land.... even the flowers are huge! its almost intimidating with all the big imortant, shiny things. the part of the cards that stands out to me is the moon, which is dark, and the roses climbing up out of the rock and around the sword


I can't quite understand this card, either. The artist seems to pick visually appealing things and throw it into the cards a lot. That or the meanings aren't clear enough.


dark background

The most significant thing for me in the Ace of Swords is the background darkness. It is as if there is a need to shed light, to illuminate a problem. The sword emits light from its contact with the stone, but this is essentially potential; it is up to the woman to figure out how to bring the light to bear on the rest of the landscape. As a "beginning" card, we might say she is defining her task, symbolized by the darkness, which she will attack with intellect.


Ace of swords
Dark enviremont in the card : stands for the dicovery of a new point of view, examine the option, your life, and see the clean sharp enery that could work for you,
The background is misty because of the focus of a new point of view, everything fades away when you have a new idea.
so the dark and misty background shows just that we have to see the opportunity even when it doesn't look like there is one.

The flowers stands for the succes you can have if you follow that point of view.

The crown stands in this way that it suggest your achievements will have succes, but that you still have to take care because the crown is on the sword, that warns us not to be narrow and that negatieve thoughts and being not certain if we can do it, can ruin the succes .
The sword is also the symbol of maculinity: touching the sword, tells that the women side in you sometimes need to have a little male agressivity to get to their goal.
The women herself is small, and the rock and everything else big. which means that we don't have to be afraid of opportunity's comming our way, that we don't need to fear that we won't able to fullfill it. A new task looks huge till you start on it and see that it isn't so overwelming as you tought it would be

The emerald well according to the romans they dedicated the emerald to venus and associated emerald with passion, and we need passion to even start on a new project, otherwise its doomed even before we started:)
In dreamsymbolisme however an emeralds warms you for some troubles with others who are not to keen on the ambition you have ..

Don't know if that makes any sence:) but thats what i wanted to tell with this card :blush:


Makes sense to me...:)
Ang x