needing assistance...


hi... can someone help me out w/ these?

here are my transits and I am curious to know what they can signify...

T = transiting planet
N = natal planet

T pluto 18sag squares N mc 19pis (10H)... very tight!

T chiron 14cap opposing N asc 10can (1H)

T saturn 13can trine N chiron 13pis (9H)... an exact trine!

T saturn 13can trine N mc 19pis (10H)

T mars 10pis trine N asc 10can (1H)... exact trine!

T chiron 14cap trine N pluto 11vir (3H)

T jupiter 14vir conjunct N pluto 11vir (3H)

T moon 3tau trine N uranus 4vir (3H)

I appreciate any insight you can give me. thank you so much!