FULL MOON - manifestations!


Bump to top- 2 hours to go :D

Maybe I can manifest a big pile of dark chocolate- neeeeed the caffeine to stay awake :D :cool2:


I'm surprised that all that energy floating around isn't keeping you awake....

Last night I couldn't sleep! *rolls eyes*

Here's to manifesting!



My understanding is you want to get those intentions out there before the full moon completes as that is when the energy is building. Waxing. When it hits the full stage is when it encapsulates and seals the intentions. I believe it still works before and after but is strongest just before. Like the way conception works. Comparing full moon and ovulation. It makes sense if you think about it.

OH PERFECT! Thank you!
Totally makes sense! I'll still do a small manifestation / burning thing just incase :p
As I spent a while thinking of stuff I wanted to manifest.



The lunar eclipse will start here in a little over 3 hours. I want to manifest something...wondering if I should start it before the eclipse?


Appreciate the reminder starburst_au and all of you with the various ideas to get the wheels turnin' presented in this thread :) . Yes indeed, that release of old patterns/ushering in of new beginnings energy is on me heavy. This past week alone has been :bugeyed: . Off to burn stuff and wave my arms around lol.

LOL @ YOU. Best of luck with all your manifesting :D and brining all that.... new energy in and filling you up with awesome stuff and things.



The lunar eclipse will start here in a little over 3 hours. I want to manifest something...wondering if I should start it before the eclipse?

Yeah... start writing down.... and whatever comes to mind, or things that you've had on your mind, write them down... then I like to burn them. Whatever works for you.

Celtic had an awesome suggestion with the connecting to / with guides... not sure if you've reconciled your relationship with your guides yet? Might be a time to? Or have that stronger deeper relationship with them...

*rolls eyes* I need to practice what I preach :p

Wishing you awesome manifesting abilities tonight :D



was just down at our dock and I can't yet even see the moon. Possibly its too cloudy and the clouds are blocking it out? I will go down again closer to 8pm, as the eclipse is suppose to occur at 8:11pm here and last till 10:45pm. I won't stay out that late--(I do need my beauty sleep! ;) )--but I hope to be able to see the moon and get pics before and after the eclipse. *fingers crossed*


just went out again to check, and no moon here. :( its too cloudy, darn it! Better Luck next time, which if I remember correctly will be in 15 years. :laugh: (a full moon eclipse that is)

OMG!!! I'M WRONG!!! It is now visible--weird! went outside again and could see it up there! the neighbor also came out and told me "just 5 min. ago I could not see it!" :D so, I'm not alone. It is GORGEOUS! I took a few pics and now I will go out again in 10 minutes to watch the eclipse start. Neighbor is also out there waiting for the eclipse, but its getting cold, so I took a few 'pre eclipse' pictures and now will wait to take some eclipsed pictures. :laugh:



Yay for you! Still have a couple more hours before it's showing here. I'm looking fwd to it..

Victoria's Finest

I hope the clouds break here soon so I'll be able to see! Absorbing and enjoying all this great juju anyway, heh. Feels fantastic, just all abuzz, ha! :joke:


I am going to ask for some manifestations for me! :thumbsup:

Looking at the Moon tonight reminds me SO much suddenly of the Moon card in RWS, everyone who can get a good view on Earth is looking up at the eclipse, maybe those wild animals, dogs and lobsters are all looking at that huge thing. I totally see the card now :)

I am going to bed and waking up at 3am to see it at it's best! we have a great view here but it's at a hideous night hour! hopefully my alarm will wake me and clouds will stay away! Our best view is between 3 and 4am! :bugeyed: :D


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