Well Worn Path: Wand and Athame, air and fire


The wand and athame card are pretty wishwashy about whether the wands or the athames are air or fire, but it looks like they LEAN towards wands being air and athames being fire in the main card symbolism. Does that carry over into the rest of the deck?

In an attempt to make the deck usable to either way of practicing I'm left confused.


Well, I don't have this deck - though I've looked at it - and I guess it depends what your version of Wicca is.

Grimassi has his own (Stregheria). In the Gardnerian versions of Wicca, athame=air, fire=wands. Perhaps other traditions move it around, too.

But all my reading is British Wicca - so different flavours of Gardnerian, Alexandrian and, er, Eclectic. To me, the athame is air: it bleeds it. You cut a circle using the athame; the wand becomes a focal point of energy, hence its link to fire.

If the deck is wishy-washy regarding these correspondences, and you're used to thinking in swords/air, wands/fire, then it's probably okay to use it based on this.