Magical Spell Cards


Does anyone else have these and if so, how do you like them? I am a bit disappointed in the book and how you use them. The idea is good and the cards are nice, simple, almost modern Lenormand looking, but the borders are too thick. I also get frustrated with how you use them. I might pull 1 to 3 cards and prepare for what comes, only to find out I am supposed to do the spell on a Sunday during a Waxing Moon and it is Tuesday during a Waning, etc. What are we supposed to do? Hold off and put the card aside. I don't think so! That isn't really how cards should work. You should be able to put it to use immediately. Therefore it loses both oracle and even self-affirmation usage. I guess we can use it the other way she mentions, which is pulling out the card that we want to work with, but the whole aspect of the moons and what day of the week it is still applies and gosh, darn, it is a frustrating and constrictive little deck!!


Hi Hearthcricket,

I have had this deck for quite some time. I love Lucy Cavendish's decks because their energy is so sweet and uplifting. However, I have yet to use this deck beyond the initial exploration. I really want to love it, but somehow I feel like it doesn't have the depth I require in a deck. It isn't always practical to carry out the spells on the card (as you mentioned) and if the card is choosing me on that particular day, I want it to be helpful on that day, not next Friday.

I agree with you that the only way it would be helpful to me is to choose the card myself instead of relying on random selection but in that case, it could have been just a book of spells. I wouldn't need the cards.

I haven't given up on it, but it doesn't get priority when I choose a deck to work with, like some of my other decks do.

This artist's other decks are awesome though and I think this one is wonderful for young people to explore a bit of magick...