Golden Compass Movie Playing Cards...novelty cards divination?


Waterfaery said:
The downloaded one is really cool, but I would love to have a real one! I wonder if anybody actually makes them? I haven't been able to find anything about it. If anybody else does, let us know! Maybe the movie will prompt someone to start ;).

The Noble Collection lists one, but it is not yet available - and expensive !

I would love to have the symbols in a pretty card deck, well I would like to have the actual alethiometer, maybe if the movie becomes a success there will be cheaper ones available.


Well, card deck has good images, if only that...

I liked the movie very much even as kid's fare...and while the 36 of the 'golden compass' symbols are mixed with movie images... their assignment to any suit symbol on the pretty poker deck seems just a hodgepodge--no reason for them to be assigned at all.

I'll wait to see a movie thread, but I had long ago thought the Universal Fantasy might be an interesting match to 'storyboard' fantasy movies such as Stardust...the novelty 52 card deck will do until I can find a nifty replica of that beautiful golden compass that doesn't equal serious grocery and gas budget money!



Thanks for the link! I hate when they classify something as a replica because you never know whether the thing actually works or just looks pretty lol. Well for $195, it had better work!


I tried the computer one, looks pretty cool and seems to work, aldo i can't understand it yet.

But i wonder about a real one, it's mechanical i suppose so how random is it gonna be, a computer can simulate randomness but a mechanical design has a tendancy to do the same thing under the same conditions.
Could also be quartz driven with a sort of random generator inside..
Always curious in what's inside things :)


Playing card sighting on line tin with 'two decks'

The one above is the one I have--I'll have to count--didn't quite realize they were a 'double deck'--I removed the inner paper/plastic lining and have boxed it up with my small linen-finish LongMoment I'll unearth it and try to count if I have 104 (two Golden Compass decks) from the tin. Only one of the 'two' decks has the symbols...I'll check what the back looks like.

I saw this single set online, but do not know if it also has the images of the Golden Compass symbols:


  • scimall-usa_1984_730781.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 136


just wondering . . .

if Cerulean had ever found the cards from the tin to know which card-back set had the 36 alethiometer symbols. I have been searching around and found that there are 2 arrangements/orders: one from the book (in b&w) and the other from the movie (in color). Do the books actually list an order or extended meanings?

Also, did anyone buy the board and/or DVD game? Could you use the cards from them?


it's here!

I got my order of the "Special Edition Playing Card Set" today.
(from Rockabilia; $14.95 before shipping) It has two 54-card decks in a collector's tin.
104-001 mfg/distributed under license by AQUARIUS
UPC code: 1 84709 04001 4

It shows up on pages at NMR Distribution's site, but no price is listed.

The 36 symbols from the alethiometer are printed on the pips 2 - 10 from each suit. It is the deck that has dark backs with metal-looking filigree corners. Hearts have brown colored borders. Diamonds have yellow borders. Spades have blue borders. Clubs have purple borders. (All colors are muted with an attractive grain pattern.) 2 or 3 keywords are printed on the card.

The other deck has a blue starscape background with the full-color alethiometer. These are just scenes from the movie. The Hearts & Diamonds have a yellow border on the faces. The Clubs and Spades have (sea) blue borders. (It looks like the single deck is this one.)

Maybe we should contact them at aquariusimages and ask them to do a new release of just the alethiometer symbols.

Here's an idea: use a circle cutter to remove the PC symbols in the corners. The frame is just a tad bit larger than 2 1/4 inches in diameter. It appears that will leave the alethiometer as the reverse of each "card".


Since Lillie is back, I thought I'd bump this thread and mention that you could use a role-play gamer's die to determine which level for your assigned keyword for the cards.

ETA: Since those links Cerulean mentioned have gone down, I looked and found this site which gives 3 keywords each.

When I clicked the link to download the Windows exe there, my program warned me that it had blocked a Trojan, so the other site may be better for downloading.


This is the link I use for the alethiometer.

my computer don't find anything bad in it, so perhaps my virus soft ware isn't up to scratch or perhaps it's OK.

Who knows....

I think I might try to make some alethiometer symbol cards.
I like the idea of that.