Astro Mythological Lenormand ~ Methods by Dicta & Françoise


All right folks, brace yerselves, 'cause this is big.

As I stated previously in this thread, Dicta & Françoise teach four different situations in which you read the cards. I'll be posting them in parts, so the posts won't be too long and complicated. My french is not the best thing in the world, but decent enough for me to understand what they mean :)

FIRST SITUATION: When you read the Lenormand for yourself

First take your full name and use the "hidden alphabet" of Mlle Lenormand to find it's "number". To make things easier, Dicta and Françoise give us a table (yes, some numbers repeat):

Mlle Lenormand Hidden Alphabet:

A = 1..... G = 10..... M = 19..... S = 20.....Y = 50
B = 2..... H = 28..... N = 26..... T = 6...... Z = 70
C = 4..... I = 15...... O = 8....... U = 9
D = 5..... J = 15...... P = 77..... V = 9
E = 3..... K = 16...... Q = 27.... W = 9
F = 8..... L = 21...... R = 11..... X = 13

Using the numbers above, calculate the number or your first name, then the number of your surname and after you get one number for each, add those numbers.

If the resulting numbers is bigger than 52, keep adding the digits until you arrive at a smaller number.

Put this number aside for a while, and get your birth date. To your "name number", add the number of your month plus the year that you were born. Remember that, except when using the numbers from the table above, you always add the individual digits, NEVER the whole number. If you were born in December 1990, you should add 1+2+1+9+9+0, and not 12 + 1990!

The final number you get from this additions will give you the number of the card you need to select after cutting the deck.

The day of your birth is not used in this calculation!

Complicated? Lets use an example!



Let's say your name is John Smith, and you were born on March 7th 1990.

First, lets calculate your name:

15 + 8 + 28 + 26 = 77

Then the surname:

20 + 19 + 15 + 6 + 28 = 88

Then you add the two numbers:

77 + 88 = 165

This is bigger than 52, so we add the individual digits until we get a number smaller than 52.

1+6+5 = 12

John Smith's "name number" is 12. Save this number, and lets calculate the birth date!

March = 3
Year = 1990
3+1+9+9+0 = 22

Now you have two numbers: 12 (from your name) and 22 (from your birth month and year). Now you add these two numbers:

12 + 22 = 34

34 is our final number for this method. What does it mean? That after you cut the deck, the 34th card from the top is the card that contains your answer.


Et voilà! This is the first method taught by Dicta & Françoise, for when your wish to read for yourself. Next time we'll see how do you do when you want to read for another person!


Oooooooooh... thank you for this. I did read something similar, but this does explain the letters quite well! So I guess you'd have to remove a card before you counted the # of cards you needed to go through. I don't understand why you'd need to take a card away though...

Does the book say what names you need to use? IE: What happens if you have like multiple names? Do you go and add all your names together? Or just the ones you use commonly?


lord_ewin said:
Oooooooooh... thank you for this. I did read something similar, but this does explain the letters quite well! So I guess you'd have to remove a card before you counted the # of cards you needed to go through. I don't understand why you'd need to take a card away though...

No no no - the only cards you remove from the deck is the two "person" cards, the Lady and the Gentleman, because those have no meanings. All other cards are kept, as you use the whole deck for this reading. This method simply tells you in which card is the answer - instead of dealing the cards directly from the top of the deck, you have to use your "personal number" to know which card is it.

You cut the deck in two and mend it just as a way to change the order of the cards, but you don't take any card away. Then you count off from the top of the deck the number of cards that your personal number gave you.

Lets go back to John Smith - his number is 34. So he needs to count off 34 cards from the top of the deck, because the 34th card is the card or his answer.

lord_ewin said:
Does the book say what names you need to use? IE: What happens if you have like multiple names? Do you go and add all your names together? Or just the ones you use commonly?

It doesn't say exactly, but I believe you should use all your name. So if your name is Mary Sue Smith Dickinson Jones, you'd have to calculate all your names. Hope you name isn't so big! :D


No, you said that if your birthday is on an odd day (such as the 7th); you needed to use an odd number of cards.

That's what puzzles me.


lord_ewin said:
No, you said that if your birthday is on an odd day (such as the 7th); you needed to use an odd number of cards.

That's what puzzles me.

Ahhh! Sorry :laugh:

The method I taught above is to answer a question with one card only. You use the whole deck for that. But the authors say that if you are going to do a bigger reading, with more than three cards, then you have the see if your birth day is an even or odd number. Because if it's odd, then you have to use an odd number of cards, lets say a 3-cards or 5-cards spread. And even it's an "even" day, then you use an even spread (4-cards, 6-cards etc.).

I don't think this applies to when you are using the whole deck, though. So there's no need to remove one card to make the deck "odd".

They don't explain well why you are supposed to choose the amount of cards according to your birth day, so if it bothers you, ignore it. It really isn't an important rule, in my opinion. ;)


yeah, I'd agree. It doesn't seem important, but your explanation of using an odd or even of cards makes more sense than removing a card before shuffling. ;)



lord_ewin said:
yeah, I'd agree. It doesn't seem important, but your explanation of using an odd or even of cards makes more sense than removing a card before shuffling. ;)


I'll remove the birth day thing from the original post, to avoid this sort of confusion. It seems to be such an arbitrary rule that makes absolutely no sense! Dicta & Françoise method is already complicated enough without this.

But never fear, birthday calculations return in the next part :laugh:


Marina!!! This is soooooo exciting!! I've just had a glimpse and cannot wait to get seriously stuck in - you are unlocking so many mysteries!!!!

Many, many thanks!!!!!

Cristal xx


I kinda hate to ask... but would you be willing to share any more of your hard-won knowledge on using this deck?

Thank you for what you've posted. :)