Sharing your process


journey journal


Exactly what I'm doing. I'm keeping both the notes that Laurel sends me-- her particular slant on the cards-- and my thoughts and reasons for symbols/images. I don't post it; it's a bit much at times. I am working, a bit at a time, on a more coherent manuscript, keeping it minimal. And Laurel has her own set of notes. Laurel and I will eventually compare notes and write a book to accompany the deck.

I'm also keeping a listing of changes for each of the cards. Some are just right as they are, but most have little changes I'd like to do with them. After the deck is 'finished'-- ie, I've created all 78 images-- Laurel and I plan to review the deck for consistancy and metaphysical integrity.

I haven't tried an on-line journal/diary sort of thing. That may prove to be an interesting way to go. Laurel had said that she had some web space that would be availible sometime this year; hopefully we might get cards/explainations up.

thanks for the suggestions