Asteroid America enters Libra


The Vice Presidential Debate:

Mercury, the Sun and asteroid Atlantis all conjuncted at 12 Libra, I recorded the debate and still haven't seen it. A result of mercury direct affecting my natal retrograde as the communication planet transits across the sun. Asteroid Drakonia has now entered Capricorn, natural sign for the governments duty and responsibility and numerological connected to the United States and its internationally federal and inner state governments through the numerical connection that 6/20 (June 20,) relates to 620 which being Drakonia's asteroid number and June 20 being the Great Seals approval date. The actual definition of draconian is 'severe.' Again, quite appropriate for the United States.

I had to attend my Great Grandfathers funeral and along with that a fellow high school graduate had his memorial and my middle school gym teacher died in his sleep. The greatest stress that I have over this is not the funerals that were happening, nor the number of funerals I had already attended in my adolescence, but the fact that this is not the world that my grandparents wanted. A part of me is shattered while another part of me is healed at the fact that they were not here for September 11th or operation Iraqi Freedom, what we have seen on that day was a reflection of Atlantis conjunction America at 21Libra. Atlantis was just at 21'59 while America entered 21'00. My natal Jupiter and Saturn, conjuncted in Libra at 3 and 5 degrees creates this turmoil within me as these thoughts occupied me throughout the five days in Southwestern Colorado.

While the true promise and dream of Equal Rights has never been accomplished, perhaps it is because that is the way that led to the destruction of the Tower of Babel, which could very well be the reverse side to the Great Seal (the pyramid). While certain relevant rights are being denied through inequality, and unjustly so, there are those actions that will never be considered a legal right nor considered moral. This should not be the case with those of same-sex partnerships (but NAMBLA needs to be disbanded and its members interrogated), but with unrestricted control comes biased fears. Wyoming's reputation of Equality was tarnished forever towards those of homosexual preferences with Matthew Sheppard being brutally killed and is very much embodied with Wyoming's more recognized symbol, the Bucking Horse and Riding Cowboy, symbol of the University of Wyoming (Dick Chaney's Alumni university) and official property of the State of Wyoming. While the Cowboy was the focus of a legal controversy between the State and University with a clothing company called the Misfits who were trying to trademark the symbol for their exclusive use, the negativity of the Sheppard incident is a very dark stain the Equality State and its culture. It is also difficult to note that this is the most screen time the State of Wyoming had been seen on television, MTV most notably. It is interesting to note that Dick Chaney has a lesbian daughter.

**long sigh**

Symbols hold power, Sabina symbols, heraldry, axiology (flags), words and numbers. Iconic symbolism speaks a quite language, but it is one of so many words. A picture really does speak a thousand words, and in the Case of the Wyoming State Seal it says 1002, those extra two being "Equal Rights." While the ambiguity of corruption lies beneath and behind, it cannot be denied, that the dream of equal, relevant, rights will always be fought long and hard.

and then there is this Sabina symbol

The Sabian Symbol for this Moon, as well as for the U.S. and GW, is deeply occult:

"A VERY OLD MAN, FACING A VAST DARK SPACE TO THE NORTHEAST. Fulfillment in transcending and changeless wisdom. This symbol describes the Wise Old Man, an archetypal figure found in all systems of symbolism. In occult terminology, the northeast is the direction from which spiritual-cosmic forces enter the Earth sphere. Because of the tilt of Earth’s axis, this is the direction of Earth’s true north. The wise old man faces the great Void, that apparent Darkness which is an intense Light invisible to our senses. We see in this symbol a way beyond appearances and toward PERMANENCE IN TRUTH."

There is a feeling of disappointment when I see just the national flag. The flag of the military might of America, of the mechanical America, of the guard castle that is America. We see a mighty Union of Stars, but no semblance of where you really are. The progressive might of the 20th Century brought the nation together, and through that national togetherness we were gifted not with one embodiment of the American States, but 50 +1. Not to mention the District of Columbia, and the territories. These are the flags that we can call the citizens flags, for they are not taken overseas and charged into battle. Even then, they hold a certain restriction and corruption to them. The national flag is usually honored in the northeastern direction for the very reasons mentioned in the Sabian Symbol.

Asteroid America is the final contender, the finishing piece of the paradox before us. Mercury has transited the sun and is preparing to go retrograde. For the first time all year it will be in a single sign and not transit into the preceding element. This time it stays in fire, which should result in an interesting November. Asteroid Sphinx is now in conjunction to Pluto, along with asteroid Prometheus.

Prometheus is a very appropriate symbol for the American Dream. Immortal, but forever in struggle. It was not until Herakles freed him from the corrupt god and his equally corrupted animal power, in the form of an rapturous eagle. As it was the rebel god Prometheus who brought fire to the Greeks and other Eurasian life, it was the Holstein Coyote who brought it to Native America. Coyote's are demonized more than wolves are, sometimes for legitimate reasons, but it goes too far. And just as Prometheus and the Greek Pantheon was assimilated and reduced under the Roman rule, the same goes for the inner states of America, with any sense of rebellion demonized like the coyote.

Asteroid Agamemnon is numbered 911. And it is quite appropriate that we feel that we are off course, mainly because we are. The link below mentioners that Agamemnon was blown off course and that his homecoming was not the happiest. This is quite true of what happened in Vietnam (well before my birth) and what will continue to happen now with Iraq if things continue to flow the way they are.


Thanks for your post

I am sorry about the losses that you've recently encountered. When I thought about your allegories and thoughts, I did think about my own grandparents and changes in their lifetime in attitudes, their histories in being in the U.S., and what might have changed. Their belief and hope in better times and treatment were justified in the long run; but they also told us stories that makes me pause when I hear of news today...




It was a very strange syncrhonisity. Shortly after I returned from Colorado, a Native American protest against Columbus Day took place in Denver. The issues addressed in the capital of the Centennial State were calling to me. It is appropriate that these details of history be addressed, but in a more formal and symbolic message should be applied with asteroid America in the sign of unbiased and unblinded and unwavering Justice.

Sharing my birthday with the Great Seal of the United States of America has taught me that the most effective way to protest symbolism is with symbolism. Cloud Buffalo sees the truth, Sky Eagles bring freedom. Lone Bear prowls for the truth, Beaver Builds for future generations. Jackalope laughs and plays with the running deer.