Divine the Location of My Lost Stone?


Hello my fellow diviners! Please help?

I can't find my piece of ruby zoisite! I was cleaning up my altar and realized that it was MIA. I think the last time I saw it was when I may or may not have brought it to work. I know it's "easily" replaced but I really really liked the little splotch of red on the one side and the shape of it. ;___;

Can any of you help me? Where did it go? Did one of the cleaning crew at work see it and walk off with it? :(

I will certainly post back any feedback about locating efforts on my end.


hi kosjitov!
i just pulled few cards and it seems it is somewhere inside only, possibly near the altar. do you have a foyer? do check it out and see if you can find ruby there!!! it is safe though and inside the room/hall wherever you are!!!


Well, I checked the foyers in the household. No joy. Double checked the areas around where I "normally" keep my stones, behind the altar, behind the drawers where I keep pagan stuff that's not immediately in use. (HEAVY!!1) No dice. I checked to see if it rolled anywhere too. Nada.

Thank you for trying! If something pops up that matches anything close to what you've said, I'll be sure to let you know.


Hi Kosjitov,

I'm seeing it near your altar, under something heavy (a chair perhaps or a radiator)? The space where it has fallen is dark, so I feel that you may have actually walked by it once or twice without realising it. I don't think this little stone has left you. I think you have a lot of good work left to do with this stone.

But yes, I'm seeing it close to the altar, under something heavy (it looks like a chair covered with multi-coloured blankets).

Best of luck! I hope you find it :)


I will try to check and see if it fl through and is beneath the drawers when I get home.


Still no luck. I did a full overhaul on my room. It's not in the drawers or beneath them or under the bed.