Ghost Tarot


I am thinking about getting this deck, I think the ghostly imagery is quite hauntingly Beautiful. What are your thoughts about this deck?


I've used it for a few Dark Deck Truths (DDT) Exchanges and the imagery reads well. I don't tend to use "standard" interpretations, instead letting the image speak to me. I think it's the best of the decks that David Corsi has done.



What he said. It's stunning.



I have it and I like a lot the nostalgic poetry of the images.
Initially I thought it would be a good halloween dekc, but it is actually much more than that, and not necessarily the best for halloween - a little too sad for that most of the time.

The cards are very poetic, but generally sad. Many cards depict a scene were one of the person is alive and one is dead, and the living person is missing and mourning their companion. Even usually jolly cards like the four of wands, the six of cups, the ten of pentacles, are sad, and they are in fact some of the saddest of the deck.
For that reason I rarely use it. You or your querent have to be in the right mood, and not too susceptible to despair, otherwise this deck might act as a trigger for depression !

But, it is true that the deck also has a beautiful softness about it, and for that I can recommand it. Just maybe dont expect it to be your go-to deck !
Though you might have a totally different feeling to it than I have, of course !

Hope that helps ! Tell us if you decide to get it, what you think of it !


I came to this thread thinking that it was about the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot, also a beautiful, poetic, melancholy deck, but somehow very different. This one has somehow flown under my radar.

From peeking at the images through Google, I agree with everything Carojulie says about it.


Thank you for all your replies, they have given me food for thought, I have to think if the melancholy factor is too much for me ( I have had a very difficult Few years , with family who have passed away, and others who are in very poor health). But I am attracted to the look of the deck .


I have the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot, but I'm beginning to think that this one would be a good addition to my collection.


I have the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot, but I'm beginning to think that this one would be a good addition to my collection.

I am thinking about that one also, so I am guessing that you like the Ghosts and spirits tarot?


I am thinking about that one also, so I am guessing that you like the Ghosts and spirits tarot?

Oh, definitely! The Ghosts and Spirits has a different scheme from the Ghost Tarot though, in that each card is represented by different spirits from diverse ghostly lore around the world, like how The Lovers card shows The Specter Bridegroom and how Justice is depicted by the Snow Ghost. I love ghost stories, so this deck really called to me! And in my opinion most of the card correspondences are apt.

Btw not to sound woowoo, but when I received my copy of the Ghosts and Spirits, a few weird things happened. Thankfully they didn't last. Anyway, you can download the LWB here, just click on the Booklet button:

There are also many videos in YouTube, one of which is high-def, if you want to peruse the card images and check if they are to your liking.

This is not to take away from Corsi's Ghost Tarot of course, since I shall be getting that deck myself. It's not a zero-sum game - why get only one when you can have two? ;)


I have both decks, and each is special in its own way. I find Ghosts and Spirits to be a more cerebral deck, since the cards are linked to ghost stories and folklore from around the world; I am more reliant on the LWB for this deck. The Ghost Tarot, on the other hand, is an intuitive reader for me, and I rely more on the impressions I get from the lovely and haunting images. You certainly can't go wrong with investing in both decks. :D