Interpreting the Fool


Hi everyone,

I could use some help interpreting the fool. I have an issue at work where I suspect that someone in Production might be hiding or stealing raw materials; I can see it in anomaly in figures (I am in Finance). I am planning on doing a spot check on his inventory next week. I consulted tarot three times bout this; and my questions were in the line of; Will I prove that he is hiding something, will I succeed in proving my suspicions, etc. Twice I got the Fool and once I got the Queen of Swords. Now, the QoS I understand, it's a guidance card on how I should handle the situation. But the Fool? I don't understand. I have enough figures to prove that something is way off in the raw materials. How can I be naive or walking off a cliff in this situation? Or is it some kind of go-ahead card? New adventure? (!)

Any insights?

EDIT: The Fool is a recurring card in readings related to this question; sometimes showing up aloe in a single reading, other times as part of larger readings. Because it keeps appearing, and because I don't think I am much of a fool since I think have supporting data, I wonder what it could mean and why it keeps showing up.



could you ask a very specific question for each card you pull? Because if you say''Will I prove that he is hiding something, will I succeed in proving my suspicions'' These two questions are a bit different. In the first case, you might prove it but not succeed (like if nobody would do something about it even if you are right)

I have an idea for the interpretation but because the question aren't enough specific, I am not sure with my interpretation in this case


Hi Tarot Quest,

Thanks for your reply. My questions are one an the same actually. I suspect that he is hiding something; his actual usage of raw materials. So, the question is, will I succeed in proving that he is hiding his actual usage of raw material, which is my suspicion? That's the question.

What do you think?


Yes, the fool here has done something "foolish", which could include stealing raw materials. You've got the Queen of Swords, who is like the Queen of Justice sometimes. So I would say that you are like the Queen of Swords in this instance and he is like the fool. You will definitely succeed in proving that he is stealing (queen of swords), but you'll have to get inside the fools mind set. Catch him off guard. He's obviously getting very comfortable stealing (Fool on cliff) and will slip up (fool) and act carelessly (fool).


Oh! The card could be referring to him? I didn't think of that. Since my questions were all about my own success in this endeavor, I didn't consider any of the cards to signify him.



Cards always have more than one meaning.


How long has this been going on? Look for someone who was hired recently. It should coincide with the missing inventory.

The person who is stealing is "new" and younger than you.


Laurelle made an excellent interpretation here.

I have the impression that these 2 cards are telling you to act carefully. For the fool, I am not sure if this card means to start this new project (proving that this person is a burglar) or just referring to the fact that people might not believe you in your accusations.

And for the queen of swords, I feel that you will have to give some concrete proofs if you want that people believe you. I see her as a logical person (you here) but there is kind of a clash between the fool and the queen of swords. Both are an air element but I think that you have to make other people believe that this person is really stealing some equipment.

So be prepared and structured in your accusations


If The Fool keeps showing up maybe he's advising you to be like The Fool.. Be fearless, take a chance..
In this instance I'd say that doing a spot check would be the thing to do.. The Queen of Swords showing up a lot advises you to communicate, to be logical and not to let your emotions interfere..


Thank you Laurelle and tarot Quest,

OK. So the Fool suggest that someone is making a fool of themselves, and that could be me or my suspect. The guy is no newbie, he's been there longer than I have. I think it's a warning against me being the newbie, making naive mistakes in my quest.

This is really strange because I think I have hard evidence. What could the warning be about, I wonder?

Just for the sake of conversation, is there a context where the Fool can be interpreted in a way other than a well-intentioned naive person?