2 of Wands as Deck Limits


I do deck interviews for all my decks, especially if they are brand new. They are usually very clear and a lot of fun.

I recently caved an bought the Wild Unknown deck. The rest of the spread was super clear, but the card that came up for what are your limits as a deck was 2 of wands, which has perplexed me.

I see the two of wands as the card of focused goals and successful planning. Pointing all your energy towards something. So I was kind of taking this as a limit on using the deck to read about nebulous things like planning and goals? But I really feel like I'm just missing it, which happens to me sometimes.

So I thought I would get this groups opinion on this card in this context.


I do deck interviews for all my decks, especially if they are brand new. They are usually very clear and a lot of fun.

I recently caved an bought the Wild Unknown deck. The rest of the spread was super clear, but the card that came up for what are your limits as a deck was 2 of wands, which has perplexed me.

I see the two of wands as the card of focused goals and successful planning. Pointing all your energy towards something. So I was kind of taking this as a limit on using the deck to read about nebulous things like planning and goals? But I really feel like I'm just missing it, which happens to me sometimes.

So I thought I would get this groups opinion on this card in this context.

The Two of Wands represents to me a need to make a decision, and focus your energy on it. You have before you two things you can dedicate yourself to: if you try to juggle both, you split your attention, and are half as effective in both plans. The cards can only present insights to you that illuminate what your choices and their consequences might be; after that, it's up to you to manifest what you want by committing to one of those choices. Practicing tarot does little good if you don't apply what you learn from each reading. Pick which wand will serve you best, and use it!


I associate planning and goals with long term. It may mean that the deck's limit is long-term kind of things--like asking questions about the long term future or the future in general. It may not like predictive readings in general.

Pique Dame

The man in the 2 of W is looking at a globe. He's probably thinking "The sky's the limit!" I would probably read it that way in this context.