9 Wands with Ace Cups as Clarifier for Feelings


Another angle might be that, since Wands are associated with passion and passionate sexuality, maybe he feels guarded because he doesn't want to let a physical attraction draw him into a situation he might regret later. For instance, a man who is extremely physically attracted to a woman but who doesn't believe in getting physically involved if there's not a serious possibility of a relationship, but who either isn't ready for a relationship because he has other goals at this time or else he thinks the woman might not be a good match for him for one reason or another and he doesn't want to go through that.

What would your thoughts be on pulling the Ace of Cups as a clarifier for Nine of Wands as feelings? Is he afraid of over flow of romantic feelings?? Or a new beginning with someone? I really resonate with your interpretation of Nine of Wands itself as feelings , very on point! Thank you :)


The Ace of Cups as a clarifier would mean that IF he weren't so wary for whatever reasons he has, then he thinks the acquaintance could turn into a loving situation.

I don't use clarifiers. I just consider them as "more information". Thirteen and I feel differently about that issue but I think it's probably just semantics rather than any real difference. :)

Anyway, I'd say that if there were some way to reassure himself that the dire outcome would never happen, then the potential would be there for them to have a very rewarding and loving relationship longer term. Aces are just potentials of the suit, so it's just the very basic feeling he has that this person has qualities that are very appealing to him as a romantic possibility, but he'd have to give it some time to see whether or not he'd be able to get rid of his anxieties about this other person. He's too wary to just dive right in head first without looking before he leaps.


I don't know but I have this strange vision of seeing that tired probably very thirsty man looking at that overflowing cup of water makes him crave to drink.
Maybe he thinks that it if he leaves his position it will get ugly and he will feel uneasy and probably under pressure so are most likely rethinking it.