Dealing With A Breakup Spread (9 Cards)

Glass Owl

This spread is from I added numbers to the card positions so that the layout was easier to understand.

2--1--3......(The Past)
5--4--6......(The Present)
8--7--9......(The Future)

Spread: This spread uses three rows for the past, present, and future of the relationship, to help you understand what caused it to break up, where it stands now, and what you need to know to make a positive decision about the future.

1. The main reason this relationship broke up
2. How you contributed to the break-up
3: How he/she contributed to the break-up

4: Where this relationship stands right now
5: How you feel about it
6: How he/she feels about it

7: The most positive thing you can both do now
8: How to move beyond the past
9: What to look forward to in the future


Just found this wicked little spread in the archives - as I need a post-break up spread for me (and not the usual 'oh i want us to get back spread' either lol)

Will post up a review of my results later :)

ETA - I tweaked a couple of the cards to make it a bit more empowering for me at the moment and moving forward, but on the whole, great spread to use :)