Batman Spread


I really like your spread, but I have one tiny little problem- your definition of the Batman position.
2 - Batman. Your secret/private self, the part of you and your heart/soul/mind that you don't let the world see.
Batman himself isn't exactly a private self, or very secret and hidden. He is, after all, the main point. I would reinterpret this position as

Your secret strength, what you can do to "save the world", who you are when your at your best, your inner "hero".


Well, Batman actually IS the secret/private self of Bruce Wayne. And the things that Batman feels/thinks/does are the things that Bruce Wayne won't let the world see come from him. So I don't have a problem with the definition of the spread per se, although the Bruce Wayne/Batman link probably could be better explained.

But a "Your secret strength, what you can do to "save the world", who you are when your at your best, your inner "hero"." position would be a great addition to the spread!



Batman is not exactly secret and private if he's going around saving Gotham city every night and every criminal and super villan knows he exists. It would be truer to say he is Bruce Waynes alter ego, which is very different to a private self.


I think the #2 card, representing Batman, could work either way. If someone wanted it to show a secret self, it would work, and if they wanted it to show their strengths, that's OK, too. It's all in the hands of the reader. But I did have a reason for choosing to use it for a secret and private self, which I'd like to explain here.

Every superhero has a secret identity. Secrets are necessary if one wants to lead a double life like these characters do.

Batman is Bruce Wayne's secret. Bruce Wayne spends all day wheeling and dealing and running his financial empire, and no one he comes in contact with knows that he is Batman. Bruce doesn't tell them. Being Batman really is Bruce Wayne's secret.

It is true that Batman is famous and that every villain knows he exists. It's true that he saves Gotham City every night. But no one knows what his day job is. What's more, and this is my favourite part, Batman wears a mask. What could be more symbolic of secrecy than a mask? The fact that he is famous doesn't change the fact that Batman is a mystery. No one has seen his face. No one knows the truth about him. Figuratively and literally, no one knows what's behind the mask.

Also, Batman's insignia is the bat. Bats are nocturnal. They are creatures of the night. Night by nature is also secretive and mysterious. Like the Dark Knight.

And that's what I had to say about that. Anyway, feel free to change things around on this spread if you want. Nothing is written in stone.

Except that now I'm looking for a way to put in a card to represent Gotham City itself. It would stand for a person's surroundings, their current environment, and where they do their crime-fighting............


Fair enough. :)